Chapter 21

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The fire crackled and flickered against the darkness and creating shades that danced. The shadows danced on the forest floor and against the trees, they floated on the leaves and on the bodies that laid on the forest floor. The fire had shadows dance on them in celebration as their lips connected in a deep, sweet, gentle kiss. Bucky was the  first to pull away both of them taking a deep breath "I'm sorry" (y/n) said as she looked away .

"why?" he asked sitting up and pulling her up with him. "you didn't want to"

"I did. I just didn't know if you wanted to. And I didn't want to hurt or force myself on you" 

"you could never" he pulls her in for another kiss.  She pulled away this time

"I'm sorry. Can we go inside? It's getting cold" Bucky didn't feel it but then again he was basically a human heater and she had super sensitive skin he didn't argue. Quickly dousing, stomping, burning the fire  Bucky put it out and lead her into the house. He lead her bedroom. 

"will you sleep with me tonight... please?"

"of course."

(y/n) left the bathroom with a tank top and shorts Bucky sat on the edge of the bed in thought in nothing but sweatpants that rode dangerously low on his hip. She gasped  Bucky heard "are you okay?"

"I'm fine" she said quickly walking around the bed hoping he didn't notice the color rising to her cheeks. She quickly got in bed back facing him and turned off her lamp "goodnight". She felt the bed moved as Bucky settled in. A good five minutes in and (y/n) was slowly falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat next to her. She was nearly in dream land when she felt and arm wrap around her waist and pulled her close. When she opened her eyes she saw Bucky looking down at her.

"you're beautiful" he whispered then gently kissed her forehead 

"so are you" she whispered in turn he smiled. He leaned down slowly brushing his lips over hers and at the same time they asked 

"what are we?"

"can I have a kiss?"

They both froze.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked confused 

"these past few days  talked, cuddled, ... and kissed but we've never said what we were. What are we? What are we going to do when we get back" he leaned forward and kissed her nose

" guess I didn't put it in words. (y/n) I'd like to hold and kiss you all the time, I do not want to be without you, I'd like you to be my girlfriend"

"so when we go home, I'll be your girlfriend?"

"yeah, yeah you will".

(y/n) bite her lip and turned over laying on her back as she stared at the ceiling. " I've never had a boyfriend  before"

"I hope I'm good enough to be your first and last" Bucky said 

 She giggled turning over and gently kissing his nose "I wouldn't  give myself to anyone's else... boyfriend"

he laughed too "girlfriend" kissing  her gently on the lips.


"I don't want to go" Bucky whispered softly yet roughly and  gently kissed her shoulder and rubbed her arm.

"me neither" (y/n) pulled his knuckles to her lips and kissed each one " but we have to. As much as I want to we can't stay forever" she whispered slowly turning around and snuggling into his chest. She opened her eyes and looked up to see his face. His eyes were closed. Sunlight shined through the curtain lightly painting his face. She thought he was a piece of art. She reached forward slowly tracing the sunlight on his face. She giggled as she felt scruff on his chin, his morning fade already appearing. He smiled letting her do as she pleased letting them stay in bed together just a little longer. She pecked his nose he laughed and opened his eyes. 

He ran a hand through her hair "you're beautiful" she  blushed and closed he kissed her forehead " alright, now it's time to get up" he pecked her nose and slide out of bed. (y/n) whined as she reached for him but he was gone off packing their things, they should have done it the day before but they were distracted with everything. (y/n) tried to get up and pack her own things but Bucky glared and said "no" to which she crawled back in bed and watched as he continued packing their things.

"A deer" Bucky was finishing zipping up their  bags when she speaks she had been wuiet the entire time, he looked up to see her sitting up and looking out the window. He looked and indeed there was a baby deer was slowly treading into the yard near the window eating grass.

"hey, doll" he whispered he came up behind he. Doll, she often reminded him of one. "Do you know what they call a baby deer?" she smiled and looked at him and nodded she knew. "what?" he asked smirking.

"A Buck"

"that's right" he sang pepper minting her face with kisses as she giggled. (y/n) calmed down from her giggles closing her eyes she listens to the lake it's waters hitting the share, the trees as the wind blew through making the leaves dance, the birds as they twitted and sang songs for each other, the pitter patter if forest animal on the forest floor it was so loud yet... so quiet. It was peaceful but peace always came to an end. 

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