The First Date ( chapter 4)

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" A date?!" I exclaimed.

" yes , I know I'm new and al-"

I just shut my locker and left . I couldn't do it. Why me? And now?? he ran up to me with his perfect smile, and asked," so will you join me ?".

Honestly I don't want to , I'm lonely,and its Friday. No , not tonight.

"Yes" I said regretting it slowly as I said it. Why did I say tha-

"okay, I have to ask you some questions".

" fire away.." I replied.

" Are your parents ever home, are you the only child, what's your curfe-?"

"hold it right there buddy!" I say trying to stop him," one, my parents are always working , two, I am the only child, and three I don't have a curfew , like I said, i am the only child." I started to walk away and he asked me for my address, and I just kept on walking . He followed me , and I would have never thought this. He was my neighbor. And like any teenage-cliché story, my window is next to his. it was getting to be late , hm about 7:00pm ? My lights turned on , so that I could get dressed and see my ,now lightened room, but I got naked, I put on Adidas joggers, a loose black t-shirt , crop top. Hm. I'm not sure, that's horrible, I AM JUDGING MY BETTER JUDGMENT!!!! Imma go like this.

I let my hair down and brushed it hastily while glancing at my window. Guess what I saw? Rob! looking at me through my window! I was in my bra and underwear while not wondering if some creep was looking thought my window!

Whatever , brush it off. He's a fag . He comes to my door and knocks on it. I answer it and yell" you douche lick! why the hell did you look through my window?" while laughing.

"okay , ready for our date, and I saw your light on and I saw how beautiful you were and was amazed. " he replied.

I started to blush and then we walked to a park that was about a mile away from our houses. And we started to talk about life, then he asked this weird question," how would you feel if we ran away?", and I was blank. Literally.

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