chapter 5 The Limo

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" Run away?!" I exlamied.
" Well my parents have these tickets that they won,  but can't go on the trip because they are in Hawaii,  so we have a trip to Florida,  and I thought it could be a one-way flight.. " Rob stated.
" Fine,  but under one condition.. ".
" Anything."
" My name will be erased from everything.. I mean it. " I said.
We walked back to the house and got the essentials,  Nike pros,  underwear,  bras,  socks,  shoes,  toothbrush, toiletries etc.  And I wash rushing so much that I fell face down the steps of my house.  I turned to lay on my back and Rob was running towards me laughing.  " Are you good? When people say 'break a leg ' you know you're not actually suppose to do it? " He asked.
" I'm not that retarded! " I yelled while laughing.
When I looked out my front door that was open,  I saw a limo,  and jumped back to my feet with my bag and then ran to the limo.  " Rob!  HURRY UP!  " I explained. No answer from Rob.
"Rob? " I said one last time.
He came jogging out,  with out closing the door with a dark stain on his jacket.  " Hey what's that on your jacket? " I asked him.
He replied" It's nothing,  off to the airport. "
His voice sounded different,  and he was acting really shy. He then pulled out handcuffs and said, " I need your wrist ".
" I'd prefer not,  sorry. " I apologized.
He then scooted over to me and grabbed my arm forcefully and hand cuffed me to the Handel of the door.
" Rob,  what's wrong with you,  un cuff me!!  I said now Rob".
As I now new,  it wasn't rob,  I was getting kidnapped.  I started to scream,  and kick,  and tried to defend myself,  but he sat on me.  The limo driver tsked at me and hit a speed bump.  That was my opportunity.  When we hit another,  I lifted my self off the seat to get 'Rob' of me and kicked him in the head.  I didn't think that would actually work,  but all that time watching action movies paid off.  Rob passed out,  and was also on the floor,  I pulled him closer to me to get the keys. 

- 5 mins later-

I finally found the keys,  and unlocked my self.  I grabbed a fire extinguisher that was next to the wine glasses and knocked the driver out,  then when he passed out I took control of the wheel and pushed the driver out of his seat into the next seat over.  

"Florida, here I come".

So sorry guys,  writers block for this story, so sorry for the hold up.

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