Klaroline/ Friendship Is A Funny Thing.

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  It's a new dawn.
It's a new day.
It's a new life.
For me.

Caroline awoke from her tender sleep. It was a rough night, her head exploded with pain and emotions whilst her body and heart told her to sleep once more. She couldn't put up with the stress that had happened the night before. Although she tried to sleep, she jolted herself upwards and clutched her phone. 7 new text messages.

Elena: I'm so sorry, Caroline. I didn't mean too.
Bonnie: Care, it's not like that.
Elena: Caroline, answer me.
Bonnie: I'm sorry you overheard what you did.
Elena: You are my best-friend I promise you.
Bonnie: I didn't mean to say what I did, just reply. I want to talk this out.

And then one more text that mad her heart flutter when it shouldn't off, it shouldn't of even been a name to strike her texts and invade her privacy. But it did.

Klaus: Hello, love.

Caroline weighed up her options, should she go for the man who continuously tried so hard to even get a conversation out of her daily, or her friends who stabbed her in the back. She finally released a sigh and shoved her phone onto the cabinet where it once was. None.

The conversation she over heard between Elena and Bonnie struck at her heart tendons again and again. She fought the pain, and shoved the thought at the back of her mind. Stop thinking about it, was all she could tell herself.

The day before;

Caroline hopped over to her wardrobe and grabbed the yellow cotton cardigan over a white t-shirt with a pair of blue denim height waist jeans. She was supposed to be meeting Elena and Bonnie at the Grill, they were going to talk about their plans in which to stop Klaus once and for all. Caroline couldn't deny the dent he would leave in her heart after everything they'd been through, but she ignored the dull ache and glossed her lips.

"I'll be home around 5:00pm, mom."

And with that, she left.

Only to her arrival, Klaus' fresh, silver corvette stingray was parked neatly outside. For a car built in 1963 it was in good shape and particularly gorgeous. Klaus was waiting, knelt on the side, perched like a hawk awaiting a mouse. Here she was. The mouse.

Caroline cleared her throat and avoided his gaze.

"Caroline, love. Please don't go in there."

At his words, Caroline became flustered and intimidated. "Why not?" Was all she could reply at the dainty fear in his eyes.

"Your friends- they. I've been stood here awaiting you for quite some time and to my boredom I've been tuning in and out of conversations. Don't go in there."

Caroline tilted her head, was he telling her that her 'friends,' were talking about her? How childish, she thought. She rolled her eyes and tuned in. Tucking her golden hair behind her right ear, she closed her eyes and to her surprise Klaus pressed his body to hers, his arms embracing her waist for protection. She was in a vulnerable position, if she was seen, if another vampire saw her at her weakest point. He couldn't allow anything to happen, she allowed his warmth and muscular body to press up against hers.

"I just don't like the whole vampire thing going on with her." Bonnie scoffed.

"I keep telling her she's my best-friend, when clearly you are. How could I be friends with someone who drinks blood and is constantly being complimented by my stalker." Elena added.

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