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It was 8:35pm, I'd just finished work and waited almost an hour for my bus to arrive. My hands were literally as cold as icicles and if it weren't for the central heating on the bus; I'd probably have hypothermia. Still, I sat with my legs crossed, blue jeans stuck to my skin. My hands began to feel again and my toes tickled with pins and needles. It was a typical frosty night in New York City.

I sat minding my business, trying to feel again as the warmth spread within, slowly but surely I felt my nose stop running and my fingers stop burning. Finally I could relax. But, then I noticed a guy, obviously out of his mind on alcohol and what not, but I kept my distance. Don't look at him, was all I could keep telling myself

It only took a few minutes before my bus came to a halt, I feared the winter air. But most importantly, the guy still watching me. I was about to leave the most safest place I could think of in this moment in time. The bus, full of people and control. I couldn't stay. I dragged myself away from the attention and into the night once more. Yes- I knew that feeling of watch. Predator on prey- maybe if I hadn't watched all those animal documentaries I'd be humming alone without a clue in the world.

I remembered seeing a Facebook post; one in which told me to take three rights, and if the person was still following, stalking like some lion in the fields, click the power button five times to alert emergency services. I blinked and couldn't believe I found myself in this position. My breathing was increasing, legs painful as I sped-walked along the streets. He was getting closer, I could feel the breathing on my neck and I turned with a scream, ready to attack.

"Hello love."

Klaus bloody Mikaelson. I looked behind him to see a scattered body sprawled on the floor. I didn't know if Klaus had got to him before I could, or if he'd passed out from alcohol poisoning.

"You didn't scare me half to death." I breathed, thanking him with a hug. I hadn't seen this man in over five years, but the embrace was natural. I didn't want to let go, his warm, tight arms wrapped around my body as if they were created to be perfectly sown around my waist.

"What are you doing in this part of New York City, might I ask?" He smirked, clearly just as excited to see me as I was him. Over the years I'd pushed my vampirism aside, along with all my friends after my mother's death, and moved away. I didn't want to tell him my sob story so I shrugged and told him about my job. I was an accountant, I had a little office to myself, decorated it the way I liked it and got away from all the madness of the small town of Mystic Falls.

"So, you and Tyler?"

The grin he had plastered on his face told me he knew exactly what I would reply. I caught myself smiling, I never thought I'd see those dimples again. At the time, wrong place, wrong moment, I couldn't allow myself to see him in such an angelic posture. He and my friends hated each other. My friends. I hadn't seen or heard from them in almost three years.

"I haven't heard that name in quite some time."

Klaus huffed, pretending to be upset for me. I furrowed my brows and playfully slapped his arm, which to his amusement, he takes my hand.

"My offer still stands, love. However long it takes." He smiles, my stomach drops. I completely forgot those four beautiful words he'd quoted just for me back in Mystic Falls.

"How about you tell me more about yourself, and what's happened over the last few years over coffee. Tomorrow?" I asked him. 

It was a suggestion he couldn't disagree to, however. He wanted to walk me home, seeing as that douche from the bus had stalked me. Not that I couldn't handle that sick bastard alone, but the fear froze my very insides and power. In fact, I'd forgot I even had the ability anymore. Being caught up in work and clients, that was a side of me I hadn't thought of other than when I snaked on blood bags after a hard day at the office.

"So, how did you know where I was?" I huffed, looking into his eyes- god how I missed them-

"I was sat up in that building, painting, when I noticed a blonde who I would've recognised miles away. The way you walk, the way your hair bounces. It has Caroline Forbes written all over it. Then I saw that man, tumbling over his feet, following you. As you could've imagined, I vamped from the building and here I am talking to the one and only."

I couldn't help but thank him once more. We were officially at my home, my small rented apartment near the iron building in the centre of NYC. I sighed and opened the stiff door, it creaked against the rust and Klaus already pursed his lips with astonishment.

"What?" I spat; eyes narrowed at his very amused figure. He cupped his mouth and apologised.

"I just could never see Caroline Forbes living in a place like this."

I admit, I was astonished by his rudeness, but also taken back. He was right, the old me wouldn't have even step foot in this rat lab. I slumped against the wall and pushed my head up against the panels.

"I have a spare bedroom if you want it for the time being." He said as he took a seat beside me. I wanted to say yes; I really did. But it would've made me look weak, pathetic. A loser.

I shook my head and smiled.

"I can't believe I'm actually here talking with you again."

He crooked up a genuine glow and took my hand. "Please come and stay with me until you find a more sophisticated place." I knew what he meant, but his words still stung like a bitch. It was his way of saying I was living like a tramp, in which I was. But still, I hadn't wanted to admit it to myself. I sighed and nodded. I only wanted to see where he lived during the time we parted.


Once we got to his apartment I already noticed the scent. A gorgeous strong smell of natural oder, nature, growing flowers and a spicy wine at a picnic floated within the air. I remembered that scent. Maybe now I could finally give him a chance.

I rid myself of social media, and closed myself away from what I used to be. And now, despite of all that, despite pushing him away all that time ago, here he was offering me a place to stay.

Klaus walked around, and smiled as he reached the island around his enormous kitchen. "Everything you see is now yours, feel free to use it all without having to ask."

I smiled back at him.

"Thank you, Klaus."

Still gobsmacked, I felt I needed to sleep. I didn't have work the following day, so I could sleep in. I missed him, and I wondered why I let a man who treated me so excellently, go. Maybe this was fate.

As Klaus wished me a goodnights rest, and switched off the light. I slipped on my night dress. I half expected him to join me during, which to no surprise, he did. I welcomed him, he climbed into bed next to me and we cuddled into one another. The company and the feeling of our past made me feel warm, loved, I enjoyed the moment.

So, as we fell asleep in the city that never does, I never felt more at peace. I was finally where I was meant to be. So, until tomorrow... 

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