The light

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Jungkook kept running till his thighs felt like sticks......He didnt know where he was going but all he knew is he was somewhere foggy and with lots of trees. And it was almost pitch black in the area
>>>This is the Forrest that Jimin threw me in....<<<<<As Jungkook kept running down the trail of the Forrest, He ran into a kid, Knocking the kid down on his back.

"I am sorry" The kid said softly, Almost wimpering holding his waist

"No no that was my mistake, i am so sorry......Wait, Your so little" Jungkook helped the poor boy up "How old are you and why are you here"

"I'm 8.........and i am running away from my father"


"He absuses me sir"

The older sighed "My name is Jungkook, Whats yours?"

"Nice to meet you Jeon Jungkook, I am Archer"

"Nice to meet you Jeon Jungkook, I am Archer"

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"Wait how did you know my last name Je----"

"You have a nice smile" Archer said

"Um....Thank you"

"Why are you here?" Archer cocked his head to the side in confusion "You probably have the best life ever"

"Not........really" Jungkook breathed "Um.....My brother died, Well he was murdered"

"By Gage?"

"Whos Gage?" Jungkook asked while kneeling so he could see and hear Archer better

"The monster under my bed, Hes friends with my father.....They both killed my mother"

Jungkook gasped "Are you serious??" Archer nodded "Ill tell you what, Ill be your foster parent. Kids shouldn't be treated like this.....I am so sorry this is happening to you"

"Thank you" Archer smiled briefly

"May i ask again, How did you know my last name is Jeon?"

"I just knew sir" Archer said

"Let me take you somewhere safe, Its too dangerous to be out here"

"No sir" Archer said softly "I go here a lot"

Jungkook felt bad for the poor 8 year old, Both of their lives are terrible. Archer gets absued and Jungkook has schizophrenia which makes him very depressed. He wanted to see Archers face better, It looked like the younger had a couple scars on his face. So, Jungkook got out his phone and turned on the flashlight, Shinning it on Archers face

"Oh my god" Jungkook said, lifting Archers bangs and noticing a huge scar that went across his forehead

"I never have been to school sir"

"Don't call me sir....Call me hyung" Jungkook said running his finger across the scar

"I am sorry Hyung....." Archer said

"Its okay, Just......I am taking you somewhere safe" Jungkook said picking him up like a toddler


Jungkook showed up at one his neighbors house who were out for vacation, They said it was okay as long as Jungkook doesn't have any parties, Which was not a problem at all for Jungkook. He doesn't really have any friends anyways...

"Archer, You can have this room" Jungkook said opening the door to a room that had a bed with black sheets and blanket. Along with splatters on the curtains, Almost looking like blood.

"I love this room" Archer smiled

"Thats good" Jungkook said "Its getting late, maybe we should be going to bed"

"Um......Okay Hyung" Archer said laying down carefully on top of the bed. Jungkook walked up to him and hugged the younger carefully "Goodnight sir"

"Goodnight----Wait whats that?" Jungkook asked while pointing at the bottle of pills that was sticking out of Archers jacket pocket a bit

"..............I dont like to sleep"

"Oh" Jungkook said "There is nothing to be afarid here, Archer. Your safe here. I am not gonna abuse you or do any harm"


"Goodnight dongsaeng"

"Goodnight Hyung"


What do you think, how does Archer know Jungkooks family name is Jeon? :D

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