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God created all things right ?

So evolution can't ever compare to God's hands, and Charles Darwin is wrong.

But then what about the evidence ?

My faith issue didn't come in one day, it happened gradually and gradually.

I had already had issues with faith and was already starting to fall apart and not believe in God. So the "Theory of Evolution" didn't help at all.

The Theory of Evolution contradicts the Bible. In genesis, God creates man. Evolution says we may have evolved from apes.

I always thought evolution was stupid and was the dumbest thing ever, but I'm already weak spiritually, so doesn't it make sense that anything can cause me to slip? Any little thing that even dares to challenge God and His word starts to convince me.

Not too long before that, we had learned about different religions in AP Human Geography. My mind was flooded with questions like "Is Christianity the true religion?" and " What is the true religion?" I had so much doubt because of a lesson plan.

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But the thing is what do you do when those temptations come? When that doubt wants to creep in, do you allow it or do you fight ?

God never said any of this is easy. God knew we would have doubts. Jesus came to die for us so that those doubts don't rule us.

So next time you look at that tree in your backyard and wonder if God truly created it, remember Genesis 1 tells us about God and how He created everything.

And if that doesn't help, which it may not, remember to fight it. Fight those doubts with everything you have. Any memory verse, any scripture you have in your heart, say it out loud.

Do not allow doubt to grow. Don't accept it.

Keep on fighting.

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