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Why are my prayers never answered ?

God, it's been years, where's my answer ?

Another reason I fell in the faith was I felt God wasn't answering my prayers.

I struggled with sexual sin and a corrupt mind for years and I constantly asked for God's help.

I still struggle.

So I wondered, is God real? Is that why my prayers aren't being answered?

I was angry at God. I still get angry at Him now. I wanted to change so bad.

But then I realized, I didn't want to change. When it came to temptation I rarely fought. I said a little "God help me" prayer but didn't truly want Him to help me. I enjoyed my sin, just like many of us do.

Then I changed my prayer. It went from "God help me to resist temptation," to "God give me a change of heart."

I was so busing blaming God for my actions, I didn't realize my faith was slowly becoming broken. Every negative situation I went through chipped at my faith.

And I allowed it.

Yes I knew God cared about me, but did I believe it? Was I patient enough to understand things take time and that nothing happens over night ?

God can do anything at any pace He wants to, but I wasn't willing to accept that.

Job 9:14 says, "So I cannot argue with God. I would not know what to say to him."
I was arguing with God when He was saying to be patient. I wanted everything right at that moment. But life doesn't work that way. It takes prayer and dedication to that prayer for you to see results.

So yes, God cares for you and me. No, He may not answer your prayer the day, week, month, even year you ask for it. And sometimes He answers an hour later. But will we be patient and not allow doubt to creep it during our wait?

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