Chapter 1 : Trapped

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[A/N] Still deciding what cover photo to use for this fanfic......

No one's PoV

Mr Son threw his hand forward, whipping it across Wendy's cheek. The cracking of his palm contacting her cheek echoed off the walls.

The slap had left behind a stinging pain and a red mark on Wendy's cheek.

Blood. Wendy tasted blood in her mouth.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Mrs Son ran towards Wendy and gently caressed her swollen cheek and bleeding lip.

Wendy was trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Are you alright?" Wendy's mother asked in concern.

Hearing what her mother had said, Wendy couldn't hold back her tears and started sobbing.

She didn't cry because of the pain. She didn't cry because her father had slapped her. She cried because her mother couldn't accept the fact that she loves Seulgi. She cried because she knew that her mother wouldn't look at her the same way as before.

"Mum," Wendy removed her mother's hand from her cheek and took a step away from her mother.

"Stop. Just accept it. I'm gay. It's not a phase. I'm in love with Seulgi." Wendy said, looking straight into her mother's eyes.

She could see the change in her mother's eyes.

"No, no no no!" Mrs Son exclaimed. She took a deep breath before speaking, "Darling, we've talked about this, haven't we? Girls are suppose to like guys and guys are suppose to like girls."

"I'm sorry that i can't be the daughter you wished for me to be."

Mrs Son shook her head in denial. "No darling, you're just confused. That's okay, we'll bring you to the therapist and you will get better." She said, smiling to Wendy.

'They don't understand, they never will.' Wendy thought.

"No, that's not okay. There's no fucking way i'm going to there." Wendy cursed.

"How dare you-"

"IF, If you had ever treated me like i'm your daughter, you would want me to be happy." Wendy interrupted her father.

"I'm not your fucking doll. I have my own thoughts too. Do you know that i gave up on a lot of things because you wanted me to do something else?" Wendy continued when her parents didn't say anything.

"Do you know that i wish to be a singer and not a surgeon? Do you know how stressful i've been all the while because i have to live up to your expectations? I'm tired. I'm tired of everything, especially your homophobic minds."

Wendy's father retracted his hand.

"Are you going to slap me again?" Wendy asked her father. He halted.

"Come on." Wendy took a step closer to her father and pointed to her cheek. "Hit me."

Her father dropped his hand.

"Get out." He said calmly.

Wendy laughed hysterically. "If you insist on being with her, you are no longer my daughter. Leave." Wendy imitated the way her father spoke to her sister.

Her father stared in shock before shouting at her. "Get! Out!"


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