Chapter Twenty-Six

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It had been several days since the dream at the Heart of the Sky. Pineheart was uncomfortably aware of how long they had been staying here. We could have been to our new home by now, he thought sadly.

In the camp, soft rays of sunlight reached down past the stone buildings to dapple the earthen floor. Most of the dock cats were still waking up, stumbling from their dens in a sleep laden stupor.

Cairn was waiting to organize the patrols, sitting tall like a statue only a few rabbit hops away from the camp entrance. His massive form was completely silent, his brown tabby pelt rippling as he turned to scan the clearing.

His eyes met Pineheart and he immediately waved his tail in greeting. Reluctantly, Pineheart padded over to the regal dock cats' leader.

"Good morning," he rumbled. Pineheart stepped closer, coming to sit at Cairn's shoulder. He wrapped his tail tightly around his paws.

"Good morning," Pineheart replied softly.

"It's a fine morning for a... what did Elkleap call it? A border patrol," Cairn meowed slowly.

"Yes, that's what we refer to them as," Pineheart mewed, "but I'm sure it doesn't matter what you call them. Every group is different."

Cairn's tail tip twitched, "but eventually we won't be different," he grunted, "every day, we learn more and more from you all."

Pineheart felt his fur prickle along his spine at Cairn's words. "But your way of life has kept you alive until now. I'm sure you don't need to change it," he insisted.

Cairn shook his head, lowering his muzzle so he could whisper in Pineheart's ear. "I had another dream last nite. Fable returned, she seemed really upset.."

Pineheart could feel his heartbeat quicken as Cairn continued, "she told me that this day would bring death to my docks. But I can't see how, when we are so much more well protected with you IceClan cats around."

Pineheart could see a vision before him, fleeting but still vivid enough. A surge of blood was rushing towards him, threatening to drown everything in its path. He could hear cats wailing in distress, screeching with the fierceness of battle or in pain from utter defeat.

"We could barely even protect ourselves," Pineheart muttered, "I don't see how we can help you."

Cairn's expression changed as he stared into Pineheart's eyes. He could see determination, but also desperation. Something wasn't right.

Pineheart was about to ask him a question, but just at that moment some of the others were approaching. Elkleap came first, with Sun'ka on his tail.

Behind them, some of the other dock cats were finally coming forward to join their daily patrols. Pineheart could recognize the three black pelted siblings, Olive, Smog, and Raven. Stone and Sparrow were also joining the crowd, eager to get out of camp and stretch their legs.

Cairn cleared his throat, effectively silencing whatever Olive, Smog, and Raven where whispering about. "There will be one hunting patrol. Sun'ka, you will lead. Take Sparrow, Olive, and Smog," he instructed.

"I will be leading the border patrol," he purred, "I will be taking Pineheart, Stone, Elkleap, and Raven." The group of cats hastily separated themselves, preparing to leave.

Pineheart looked back towards the dens, hoping to catch Frostfeather's eye. But she was still sleeping. That's strange, he thought to himself before turning and following Cairn into the pitch black alley out of camp.


Cairn led the patrol down the docks first. It was early, so there were no workers in sight to disturb them. They picked their way across the entire length of the wooden surface, peaking over the side at the water every now and then.

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