the next day

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Jane POV
Jane? A voice yelled from down stairs. I rolled over not ready to get out of bed. Jane get out of bed right now and come down stairs and eat breakfast my Mom saids. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr I groaned and got out of bed went into the bathroom and splash water in my face and brush my teeth and went down stairs. I ran into the kitchen ready to eat and I look over and see Jackson and his family sitting at our table. I was so shocked I jumped about  5 inches high and 8 feet back. Stuttering I say wwwwhhatt aaaare yyyyyyouuu ddddddddoing hhhhhhhere. He said  very calmly your parents invited us over. I just stand there and my mouth hung open and I realized what I was doing and could feel my face over heat and I sat down dad came down and sat down at the end of the table with a seat in between us for mom and sitting on the other side is Jackson. Mom came out of the kitchen with a tray full of huge bowls filled with our food. For breakfast mom had made bacon,sausage, jelly toast,cheese amulet, tater tot paddy, blueberry,double chocolate, banana nut muffins and a four plates with pancakes, blueberry pancakes, waffles and chocolate chip waffles. Mom place it on the table and looked at me then Jackson then the empty chair then to Jackson's mom then to the chair then Jackson then me again she then begins to clear her throat. She then said something very unexpected and said excuse me Jackson could you be a dear and sit down in the seat next to my daughter I would really like to sit next to my friend and my husband. Jackson said of course that
is no problem and with that he stood up and let my mom sit down and pushed in her chair then walked around and sat down next to me

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