Jane meet my older cousins

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Jane POV
I was in line waiting to get food when
Jackson was at the front. I was talking with my friends about everything that happened in the last week to how my day at school was so far. Kevin Turner a friend of Jackson was getting bullied  by a big guy named Kimberly but everyone was too scared to call him by that name so much they called him Flash. Flash push Kevin's tray down making his food hit the floor Kevin Neal down and picking up some food I will go over there to help flash was jumping on my case telling me don't help.

Jackson POV
I had paid for my huge lunch. Was about to go over to the table me and the boys chose to sit and I hear some Ruckus I look over and see flash bullying my friend Brains ( Kevin's nickname is Brains). As I walk I see a girl with her hair covering her face I don't know who she is until I walk over to say brains hey man are you okay what's going on here. Then the girl looks up I realize it's Jane. I look over to Flash and say hey what are you doing I told you to leave brains alone are we going to have an issue here. He was like you want to fight I want to fight stop your yapping then my cousins walk over say hey is there problem over here cuz and I looked at them and smiled and said no I can handle myself this guy is just messing with my friend then Flash says no no no that's no problem at all he just bumped into me and I lost my cool stuff and he said sorry about that dude would you like me to buy you another one lunch I said there would be no need for that I'll pay for his lunch now get out of here he bowed in submission. I ask friends thank you for helping him out and then ask braids to follow me so we can get him on lunch or if he so wishes he can get some of mine he saw something on my trip to some things on in my truck he likes so I said he could go ahead and take them went to our usual spot Jane and her friends met up and sat at our table well tables put together I introduce them to my cousins

my alpha! my Mate?!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz