Chapter 2

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(Heads up this chapter has some shit in it so watch out you may need tissues or a towel so hope you enjoy just kidding is some soft core masturbation so its nothing serious or is it)

I awoke to the sound of an alarm clock 5:30 class starts at 7:00 I needed to shower, get dressed and eat witch normally took me an hour. at 6:30 the bus would run and i would go to school in time for class. I dragged my self out of bed and felt a chilling sensation around my crotch. Oh my god I'm soaked threw, was it because of my dreams? I quickly ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower examined my panties after removing them not only were they wet but to wet. God I'm horny now. Without even realizing it while my right hand held my underpants my left one began rubbing me, probing my insides, making me feel, so good. GOD WHAT AM I DOING I NEED TO SHOWER. I jumped in the shower and turned it to cold I needed to get rid of my lustful thoughts. When the shower was done I was shivering no longer was the fire of lust hot enough to make me go crazy. I was Determined to have a good day. I quickly put on a blue top and blue jeans. My breakfast consisted of Franken berry Toriel buys a lot and I mean a lot of monster foods. I walked to the bus stop and sat down at 6:15 the bus driver rarely stopped by own time so I always made sure that I was there five minutes early. I was right to do so because he came three minutes early I walked on the bus and was bombarded with paper balls and spit wads. I walked to my seat witch was covered in some weird smelling green liquid I walked towards another seat. "Nope not happening Monster lover," one boy chimed as he placed his legs were the free space was. "Find some other place freak," a girl said when I walked towards her. "Hey Frisk sit here," Chads voice rang. He's a god send I love this guy. no why would he want a girl like me I'm bland my boobs aren't big I don't really have a butt so why is he so nice to me? Chad moved by the window and smiled at me when I sat down, "Hey how ya doing bud." he asked with an award wining smile. I almost lost it when he smiled at me, GOD HE IS SO SO HOT. My chest tightened and my face began to burn. We talked about our hobbies and favorite foods until we got to school, "Talk to you at lunch babe," He said with a smile and walked to his class

My heart skipped a beat Babe he called me BABE OH GOD YES! I wanted him and clearly he liked me so we could date right. God I want to fuck him or better yet him fuck me. I couldn't get my head out of the clouds for the whole class period I was on cloud nine. Lunch crawled around at a snails pace I could feel my chest tighten and my heart was beating ninety to nothing. Its okay frisk you will be okay you and him will eat then go to your next class. I sat at my normal spot I could feel every ones gaze as he sat down in front of me. God he looks good I just want him to take me right here. I remembered my dream and could feel the rush in my crotch area. "Hey babe what's up," His angelic voice did nothing but dampen my already moist panties. God I'm horny I'm a horny slut take me here in front of every one. My face was on fire, "nothing you?" I could tell my voice was broken by the look he flashed at me. "Are you sure your okay babe," his voice finally did it I nodded and said, "I need to use the bathroom." as soon as I got in I slammed the stall shut and checked my underpants. It was as I feared my undies were soaked. I managed to air them out a little using the hand dryer in the bathroom. not many girls went to the bathroom during lunch because they were with there boy toys or something. I placed the now dry underpants back on and go to eat with Chad who had been siting there patently. OH your patent ill reward you with a taste of heaven. STOP I NEED TO STOP THINKING ABOUT HAVEING SEX WITH THAT ADONIS. I could feel my privates reacting again but I was able to eat before Lunch was over. On the bus ride home he flirted with me I felt like a princess and he was my prince before long our lips locked for this one moment I was in heaven my first kiss to such a hot guy. as I stood to leave the bus he called out to me, "Hey babe I'm having a party on MT. Ebbot tomorrow night at nine come and hang," he winked at me and threw a kiss to me. I am so happy nothing can stop me now I've found my prince charming and I'm going to get my happily ever after. When I got home I scavenged threw my wardrobe looking for something sexy, i couldn't find any thing so I decided to go with my blue sweater and blue jeans. Tomorrow is Friday, so Friday night I'll go to a party with him, OH god I can feel it he's going to ask me out and then take me away. I wanted to tell every one but knew that Toriel wouldn't approve so I had to keep it a secret.

Keeping this secret was harder than it seemed. My best friend Sans knew something was up the moment I walked in the door to his and Paps, house. "hey kid you look like your in a good mood so something happen or what," his laid back voice witch normally didn't seem like he cared about any thing now sounded like he was prying. I smiled at the elder skeleton, "nothing I'm just happy to be home." Sans knew I was lying but didn't pursue. I was thankful the air smelled of pasta I knew Papyrus was cooking, "HELLO HUMAN DO YOU WANT SOME CHEEZY PASTA," one thing I loved about Papyrus was that he knew I was vegan he never made spaghetti with meet and he had a positive attitude even in a dire circumstance like cooking a half decent meal. "yea papyrus we would both like some of your pasta," Sans chimed in a lazy tone. this is my punishment for lying I guess. I bit into the melted cheese and half cooked pasta noodles and chewed them with a CRUNCH. "SEE HUMAN IF IT HAS A CRUNCH IT IS GOOD FOR YOU," Papyrus beamed. Sans just sat there and looked at his plate. After the food we went out to play basket ball, Sans loves basket ball he was the star when he was in high school, but now he works as well I don't know what. the game was fun when eight thirty hit I went to my house to do home work and go to sleep.

(I know I'm a cock block you want to know what I like show no touch so I like making some things fun so hope you liked it and comment and question if you have any ideas let me know see ya)

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