Neon x Reader

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RWBY – The Cat Rubbing Against The Wallflower

The lunchroom is always full during meal times, especially with the new students that came for the Vytal Festival Tournament. That makes everything loud, busy, and makes it easier for you to go unnoticed despite sitting with some friends. You sit there, half your food still on your plate as your eyes wander. Despite all the bland uniforms and simple hair colors, there's one girl who catches your immediate attention. You don't know her name, you can barely hear her voice, but her flashy attire and vibrant colors draw your eyes like a moth to a flame. Though it'd be a moving flame as this woman doesn't want to stay still. She's rollerblading around the table over and over, eating pieces of her food on the move.

Your looks don't go unnoticed, something that rarely happens, by one friend at your table.

"You're quiet. What're you looking at?" Ren inquires.

Ren, one friend who also tends to go unnoticed. Not nearly as much as you, though. People are far more likely to notice the stoic, confident student than you. Perhaps that tendency to remain silent is a reason you two became quick friends.

"Oh..." You turn to face Ren. "Nothing. Just looking at the new students."

"Hm, I see. Yes, there are some very interesting students around. That girl really stands out," Ren gestures to the exact same girl you were looking at.

Your face drops and you squint your eyes.

"That wasn't random, was it?"

"You're not subtle," Ren snickers.

You shrug.

"Guess I'm just used to not being noticed. My subtleness must have gotten rusty."

"Or you're too distracted by that woman. Why don't you speak to her?"

You set your arms on the table and lay your head on them.

"No, that's okay. I'm fine with just sitting here listening to you."

Ren lets you be, turning his attention back to the main conversation. You began thinking about your food but your fingers only scrape the table. You look up towards where your meal should be but there's nothing.

"Oh, right, the line was really long."

You stand up and leave the table unnoticed. You weave through the tables, sometimes having to dodge people's arms when they're talking and don't realize you're passing them. You slip by another table when someone slams into you. You somehow manage to stay standing but they lose their balance and fall. You rub your nose before looking down at the person who hit you. Your cheeks immediately go red when you see the girl you... noticed earlier is the one on the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm soooooo sorry. I didn't see you there," she apologizes.

You offer your hand, which she takes, and you pull her up.

"It's... fine. I'm used to it," you shrug.

"No, no, no, I never miss a beat. I'm always so attentive yet I didn't even see you. That's super lame on my part."

You rub the back of your head, a little overwhelmed by her enthusiasm.

"It's fine, really. I... um..." Gathering all your courage you manage to ask a single question. "What's... your name?"

"Oh, I'm Neon. You?"


"Oh, well I-"

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