Elsa x Reader

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Feelings Hidden Under Thin Ice

Your parents have thoroughly instilled the importance of school deep within your psyche. To be on time for every class, to have separate, organized binders for each unit, to always ask questions even if you think you know the answer. This is how both your parents grew up, and this is why they're such successful and wealthy people. This has put a lot of pressure on you to be a star student, a teacher's pet. Lucky for you... pressure never bothered you.

"(Y/N)... (Y/N)..."

You can feel a hand pressing against your face, the only thing preventing contact is a pillow. However the pillow is soon taken off you and thrown to the other side of your bed.

"(Y/N), school has already begun," your maid, Lillian, gently whispers to you.

She's been around since you can remember. She's looking okay for her age, her hair keeping the thick black look despite being tied in a bun. Since your admission to high school she's been your private maid who's tasked with assuring your educational pursuits while your parents are working.

"Mmmm, it's only Art," you moan, your hand slamming along your bed to find the pillow.

"That was last semester, (Y/N)," she chuckles. "You had History first period for the past two weeks. If I remember, you have a presentation with Ms. Elsa."

Your mind focuses completely on that very fact. The only sound getting through to you is the ticking of your clock. Not even Lillian's voice is breaking through. You throw off the blanket and run to the door.

"Shit, shit, crap, damn, fu-"

"Watch your profanity, please," Lillian calls over her shoulder as you speed to the bathroom.


"Alright, bye!" You shout, snatching your backpack by the door and sprinting out of the house.

"Wait, you forgot..." She huffs at the door, looking down to the phone in her hand. "Oh well..."

You turn the corner and run down the street, your backpack slamming against your clothes as you run. Luckily Elsa convinced you to join track and field with her, so a run to school isn't foreign to you. Sometimes you'd jog together and see who can last the longest. Usually... it's her. Granted the Anderson sisters have always been the athletic type while you've more been dragged into by one of them. Well, it's benefiting you in the long run so you can't really complain. It's better than studying, after all.

A few cars and school buses pass by, signaling you're close. It's less than a block at this point but despite that the first period is almost over. With sweat cascading down your face, you halt just infront of the school. Sure, a jog like this isn't much for you but you did anything but jog. You went at full speed the whole way, thus your clothes are slightly ruined along with your hair. You shake your looks up a bit before taking a few deep breaths and walking into the school. You have to go two doors before you can reach the entry way. Right in front of you is a case filled with trophies and pictures of different sports.

There's even one from last year featuring Anna and Elsa when they won the volleyball tournament. There's no way you could forget since you were there. It was Elsa's best moment in all of sports. She manages to get the tie breaker after one of the closest games you've ever watched... granted you've only watched three but that one was definitely the best. Though it's doubtful you can use that instance as leverage for practically abandoning Elsa for this presentation.

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