Feelings Cultivated in Love (Elsa x Reader)

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Feelings Cultivated in Love

Patron Request: Manuel Garcia

You wipe the sweat off your forehead as the bell rings to signal the end of your shift. You set down your papers and sigh. "This was the slowest twelve hours of my life," you moan, stretching your back. "Why did I decide this?" You start walking to the storage room with your lunch bag and keys. "Yeah, (Y/N), why don't you work for some money. It's not like your parents are well-off or anything, it's not like I graduated in business or anything, no, no, let's work in a warehouse that's hot as hell," you reach the door, noticing a couple people staring at you as you whisper to yourself. "Ah, man," you open the door and push it open for the people behind you. "Whatever, at least was my last day for the week," you approach your locker and gather your things. "Now I gotta lie on my couch for the night and die."

"Don't be so depressing about it, kid," an older man pats your shoulder as he gathers his personal belongings. "I've been doing this for over twenty years. You've been here for a month."

"I'm not really a kid," you close your locker. "But I'll keep that in mind," you turn back and slip through the others coming to do the same thing. "Have a good night!" You shout while waving to everyone behind you.

After a short walk through the warehouse, you reach the exit where two security guards chat. Without disrupting their conversation you give them a quick wave... to which they don't reply to. You slowly lower your hand and curl in on yourself.


You sit in your car and close the door to keep what little warm air there is in. You turn on the car and crank the heat up right away, taking a moment to relax before you start your drive home. Your mind's drawn to your phone as a form of distraction. Swiping it from your pocket, you notice a few texts and two missed calls from Elsa and your mother. You check the texts, seeing they're from Hans, Anna, and a few other friends from high school. "I'm kinda popular today... don't know whether that's a good thing." You put your phone down and grab the wheel. "I gotta have a shower and get out of these clothes. I'll respond later."

You focus on the road ahead and pull out of your parking spot.


You pull into a medium sized house in a crescent. It's not as big as your parent's house by any means, but it's humble for you. You've been in such a massive house for so long that this simple place brings you a sense of warmth. You pull into your driveway beside another white car. You step out of your car, close the door, and approach the entrance. "Weird, none of the kids are out playing," you look to the middle of the court. "Guess they're spared today," you end with a chuckle.

You open the door to immediately be embraced with comforting warmth and the alluring smell of food being cooked. It swirls through the house – the large open space to the left that's both a reading room and dining room, up the stairs to the four rooms upstairs, and even descending into the basement to give it a fresh scent. Of course, it also flows into the true family room through the small corridor.

"That smells amazing," you shout as you take off your boots.

"You say that every time I cook," Elsa responds with a skip in her step. "How was your day?"

"Awful, but what's new?" You joke. "I gotta shower, though. How long will it be?"

"Um..." You hear some shuffling in the kitchen. "Ten minutes, I think."

"Perfect. I'll be quick."

"Don't hear that one often," she giggles.

You roll your eyes. "Ha. Ha. That's a good thing, I'd say," you start to go up the stairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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