Ruby x Reader

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Birthday Surprise

It's a beautiful day outside, there's no denying that. The sun is shining bright, every single student, from Beacon or not, is beaming with excitement. The Vytal Festival tournament is in full swing, and matches are as energetic as ever. But it's early in the morning. Obviously there's nothing spontaneous about teenagers waking up for the day.

Ruby, leader of the illustrious team RWBY, slowly begins to open her eyes. She lets out a cute yawn as she lifts her back off her bed. She rubs her eyes as her mind becomes aware of what's around her. Then it clues it. Her silver eyes shine as a memory shoots to the front of the line. Ruby jumps off her bed, throwing her hand in the air.

"IT'S (Y/N)'s BIR- gow!"

As she jumps from her bed she smacks the ceiling, forcing the young Huntress-in-Training right to the ground with a solid THUD.

"Awww whyyyyyy," she moans.

But, she won't let this hold her back. Ruby pushes herself to her feet, making sure no ceiling will prevent her plans. She looks around her room and notices that none of her teammates are here.

"Ha, perfect. They must be getting everything ready," Ruby gasps, coming to a realization. "I need to get ready!"

Ruby darts to her bathroom, then quickly comes back to the main room, grabs her usual attire, and zooms back to the bathroom – leaving rose petals fluttering around her room as the wind from the window makes them dance.

Everything needs to be perfect today, for today is your birthday! Ruby's been planning for weeks, getting everyone she knows to help her out and meet for the final surprise. Her team, JNPR, CFVY, SSSN, your old friends team ORKD, and even some of the other students like Emerald to come along. Somehow, with help, she convinced Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Qrow, and even Winter to show up. Winter was likely the most difficult, and without the help of Weiss, it wouldn't have happened. Still, she's glad that all her plans have come together to give you the best birthday she can.

Once showered and dressed, Ruby dashes out of her room and through the building. She passes by a few students, easily weaving through them, and she spots her destination: your room. She grinds herself to a halt once she makes it there and takes a breather. She checks her clothes, making sure everything is tidy, then knocks. After a moment, Dylan opens the door.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're looking for Slater?" Dylan predicts, a soft smile on his face.

Ruby nods.

"Yep. Is he here?"

Dylan shakes his head in response.

"Oh... well, where is he?"

Dylan thinks for a moment, then chuckles.

"I believe his words before he left was 'I can't take this oppression any longer. The world shall know my pain.'"

Ruby blinks twice with a blank stare.


Dylan laughs.

"I'm not sure myself, but I assume he's still around campus. He's just mad because I won the bet."

Ruby doesn't hear the last part, but only that you're still around.

"Alright, I'll go find him. Be ready for tonight!" Ruby shouts as she runs to the outer door.

Dylan scratches his head, then shrugs before closing the door.


You lie underneath a tree in complete peace. You can hear the birds singing, people talking, and the cool breeze of nature. Your hands are behind your head, clasped between the grass and your head. Your leg is resting on the other, balancing your sword on the tip of your foot. You let out a huff, completely relaxed. It's a good thing you can relax this way, especially after your battles.

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