Elsa x Reader

683 14 3

Feelings Blooming In the Sun

Requested by: Manuel Garcia

"I can show you the world."

"That's a globe, Anna."

"Shining shimmering splendor."

"It's not very bright."

Anna lowers the globe, letting you see her face. "You're no fun today."

"I wanted to get some supplies for the project. How did we even end up in a gift shop?" You look around, crossing your arms.

"Cause I thought it would be fun," Anna giggles as she sets the globe back on the shelf. "Jeez, why're you so mean to your step sister?"

You stop shuffling through objects on the shelf and slowly turn towards Anna. "I... I'm not... it's not that!"

"You're all red," she laughs.

"I've been carrying around your stuff all day," you huff, looking over her shoulder at the small pile you set down before entering the store. "I'm just seeing if there's something interesting in here."

"You completely ignored my joke," Anna pouts.

"Because Elsa and I have only been dating for a year. That's not marriage, Anna," you shake your head and chuckle. "You and Hans have been together longer than we have. Are you married?"


You stare at her, eyes wide and smile present. "There you go. Why did you want to come with me, anyway? Had some stuff you needed to buy and no muscle to carry it," you tease, heading back to the bags of goods Anna has purchased.

Anna trails behind you, grabbing a few of the lighter bags. She wouldn't make you carry everything. That's just rude. You both walk out of the store with bags in hand, an entire mall open to your amusement.

"How about I treat you to something? For helping me out."

"That didn't answer my question... but..." You look down at your stomach, feeling it calling out for more food. "I guess I'll agree to that."


You dig into a burger and fries while Anna... does the same thing. Despite the large variety of diverse foods on offer, you go for the most generic option. Still, you both love it.

"So, what's the problem?" You ask after swallowing your food. "Why won't you tell me what's up?"

"Ah, I just wanted you to invite you and Elsa out somewhere," she says while chewing.

You squint at the disgusting creature who speaks while eating their food. "How dare you..."


"Mm..." You shake your head. "Wait, why didn't you bring Elsa to talk about something that the two of us needed to know?"

"Because... she was busy!"


"Elsa!" Anna runs down the stairs after searching the sister's room. "Elsa! Elsa!" She runs to the kitchen, to the bathroom, study room, living room. "Man..." Anna stops just outside the door to the backyard. "She must have gone out! I'll just ask (Y/N) then!" The redhead runs out the front door and heads to her destination.

Elsa comes in the house through the back door, a book in hand with one headphone out. "Was someone calling me?"


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