Chapter 2

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This is 2 years later (2016)

I was walking into my new company that finally got finished building. Since this is the newer one I would have to go back and forth for a little bit with the two companies. I am wearing the black suit above looking all sexy even though I am a mother of two.

I walked into the building to be greeted by my receptionist Sidney.

"Good Morning Ms. Williams, how are you?"

"Morning Sidney I'm fine thanks you?"


" Okay we will talk later I got to go" I said with a grin.

I walked to my office which was on the 40th floor. When I got off the elevator I was greeted by my secretary Beverly.

"Good morning Ms. Williams," she said in a cheerful tone.
I replied and walked in to my beautiful office. Everything was black and white with a hint of gold and silver and it was large.
I got to my desk which was somewhat positioned in the middle of the room.

I started getting to work when my personal assistant Charlotte walked in.
"Good morning Ms. Williams here is your coffee. Today you have a lunch meeting with the Blacks at 12:00 and after a meeting with our partners at 1:30. After that you have to go to the other company with Dave for a 3:00 meeting." she said as she set down the coffee. Charlotte is the assistant that follows me everywhere, but I do have an assistant for each office but Charlotte is my real personal one and a close friend of mine.

"Bye Charlie thank you" I say.
"Bye Beth" she says using my middle name.

Right now it is 11:00 and I am getting brief with Charlotte and Penny (My assistant for this office) about what I need to know about the meeting with the Blacks.

We are in my limo driving to a small cafe called La Cafe.

When we get there we sit and wait for the Blacks to come while we order. I get a salad since I'm not hungry. We talk for a while then the Blacks come everything was going great until Mrs. Black started to get an allergic reaction a few minutes after Mr. Black left. I drive her to the hospital and call Mr. Black because I had to leave.

I get to my office and go to the conference room.
"So sorry I'm late there was an emergency that I had to take care of" I said as I took a seat at the head. On my left were my partners and on my right were the people trying to partner with us and a very pissed ex husband Asher. He was wearing a light blue suit, white shirt and royal blue tie with brown shoes.  His brown hair was slicked into a quiff and his suit was custom made and fit perfectly showing his toned body also.

"Ms.Williams being this late to a meeting is very  unprofessional and if this is how it is going to be then I don't think we can be partners if this is the way it is." Asher said with a glare.

"Excuse me Mr.Stroman ––—" I started but was cutoff. 

"Ms.  Williams sorry to interrupt your meeting ––—" I turned and saw the mayor Mr. Black.
"It is fine mayor Black how may I help you". "I'm here to thank you, Mrs.White (Charlotte) and Ms. Stone (Penny) for what you guys just did for my wife.  I would like to invite you guys to a gala tomorrow night at 7:00 sharp to present you with an award. Also I would like to invite everyone in this room to the gala as a way to say sorry for interrupting this meeting. But, I would like to say that anyone working with Ms.  Williams should be honored." Mr. Black said.

"Thank you sir and we will be there." I said with a smile.

Mr. Black left and the meeting continued smoothly but we did not come to a conclusion so the meeting will resume another time.

"Thank you all for coming we will resume this another time. " I said. While the people were leaving I started to clean up a bit and then it was me and Asher.
"Hey can we talk I have something really important that needs to be discussed with you?"
He said nervously.

"I can't today because I have another meeting but what about tomorrow for lunch at Italia Mia?" I said.

"Yeah sure 12 good for you?" Asher said happier.

"Yes" I nodded. 

"OK great bye" Asher said then left.

That was weird Asher and I don't ever talk in private. I wonder what he wants to talk about? Well I don't have time to try and figure this stuff out so, I will just have to put this on hold because my next meeting will start in 5 minutes.

After the meeting 

I can finally go home to my babies. It has been too long.

"Hey Katie, Hey Piper and Ashton." I say smiling.

"Mommy up" They both said as they raised there hands for me to pick them up. I gave them a big kiss on their foreheads.

" How are my babies today, you guys didn't give aunt Katie a hard time did you?" I asked.

They shook there heads no. "Thanks Katie I really appreciate this" I said looking at Katie. "Girl they were my test subjects for the baby wear that I am making." Katie said smiling.

"Ok, I'm going to make dinner and then we will watch a movie."

After dinner I got the kids ready,took a shower and put on moana.

After singing almost every song with them we went to bed. Sadly I started thinking about Asher and how we used to be before all of this started. If only he believed me. Well, its to late now. He probably wants to talk about the deal which I really want him to make whether we are together or not. 

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