Chapter 9

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Once I got to the Jewelry Company, I went straight to Angela to tell her what's going on. After telling her about my encounter with Asher, she told me that I needed to schedule a girls night-in today at my house. I called Charlotte, Penny and asked them to come. I told Kate to stay home cause we having the girls night. 

After my long day at work I went home to my beautiful kids. I brought them to Mrs. Johnson's house to spend the night. When I got home I saw that everyone was here already. I went to take a shower while Angela ordered some Chinese food from Chow Time. 

I came out of the shower refreshed and ready to enjoy my time with my girls. I know it seems weird that the people that I work with are also the people who I call my best friends but, oh well. 

"Peyton" Angela called as soon as I sat down.

"Tell us about what happened from the beginning" Angela said.

"Okay, so the day that I had the meeting with the potential partners, Asher was there. Penny, Charlotte and I had arrived late because we were saving the mayor's wife. When we got there Asher starts yelling at me, humiliating me in front of the buyers on my professionalism because I was late. Right when I was going to answer him, the mayor came and told everyone about us saving his wife and how that's the reason we were late." I said and took a breath to let them absorb the information.

"Once the meeting was over Asher asked to talk to me. I had another meeting coming up so I told him that I couldn't. So, we decided to have lunch the next day at Italia Mia. When we got to the restaurant and we got situated I asked him what he wanted to talk about and he apologized for how he was at the meeting and how he's sorry for embarrassing me. After that he asked me why I wanted to partner with him. I told him and we left after a pretty successful meeting." I said.

"At least he apologized, some people wouldn't," Penny said.

"Now, it was time for the Mayor's gala and when we were called up the first time, I saw Asher staring at me and when he saw me stare back, he just kept staring. When I went to sit down and Asher went up to receive his award he still kept staring at me, but it was with a look that I'd never seen on him. Like a mixture of sadness, longing, and anger." I said.

"What do you think that's about?" Charlotte asked.

"Well, I think it has to do with what happens next," I said.

" So Asher and I had set up another meeting which happened yesterday. He had said to bring no assistants, I thought that was strange but oh well.  When we got to Italia Mia and started talking he said that he found out what really happened, and how I never cheated on him or anything like that. I told him that I want him back in my life but we were going to have to start off as friends. He was cool with that. Since we were putting things out there and I had been contemplating on whether or not to tell him about the kids, I just went out and told him. I told him that if he wants to be in their lives we can work something out and how if he hurts me or them he is done. He asked to meet them so we decided that tomorrow he would come here for dinner and meet them," I said.

" Wait-" Kate said.

"Before you say anything let me finish the story." I said.

"Fine," Kate replied.

"After that, he asked for my number and for a hug. When I gave him the hug it turned out to be a long hug, we hugged like our lives depended on it. It made me realize how much I actually missed him." I said.

"I'm done," I said.

"Wow, that was a lot to take in," Angela said with a sigh.

" Before we talk about the hug, let's go back to telling him about the kids, is it something that you are ready for?" Kate asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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