(Lost keys)

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Kacie POV

Jael pulled back into the drive way as she looked back and as I watch the sky as it gets darker.

I push the Gray button right next to the Sterling wheel as Jael get distracted by staring into space then I snapped at her to get her attention "Jael?" I said trying to get her to listien to me.

Jael looked at me and got out of the car as I did the same, she took off her black sweater.

I ran up to the door and try to search my pockets for my key.

Jael catches up and gets her keys out of her purse I stare at with shock she looked at me back confused like she just spilled all of her water all over her computer and didn't know about it.

"What is it Kay?" She asked confused raising a brow "I lost my keys!"

"Oh god damnit Kay! How did you lose your keys!? I told you to get a key chain but you didn't listen to me!" She asked and yelled scared like someone is going to break into our house.

"Calm down Jael! I'll find them."

" I'm not going to help you find them..." She said looking unpredictable then walks off with the clicking of her high heels.

Namjoon POV

"Okay have a nice day Mr.Cruz!" I waved him off goodbye As I closed the front door and took a sigh of relief.

"Ummm?We got a problem." Humming in confusion Suga showed him two keys clipped together

"There's are K-"


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