Chapter 41: Petals

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I had to calm Kyra for over 10 minutes, holding myself back from crying or weeping. When he had stopped crying, I noticed that my own tears had already been flowing.

"ASH!! Ya bastard!!!! I'll kill ya right now!! Get yer ass over here!!! Ya killed Maya!! GET OVER HERE!!! I'M GONNA RIP YER THROAT OUT!! YA HEAR ME!?!" Lily, her tears flowing, yelled furiously, as Black and Mercedes struggled to hold her back. "Rosy! Victoria! Get them off of me! I'm going to murder this asshole!!"

"Lily! Calm down, you're not doing yourself any good!" Mercedes voiced, holding back her tears the best she could.

"Yer gonna let him stand there, huh Mercy? After he killed Maya? Let go of me!! I'm gonna... kill this... asshole.... myself..," she slumped to the ground, wailing. She was hit hard, so hard that she wasn't even using the name 'White' anymore.

My tears were flowing. No matter how much I tried to wipe them dry, they wouldn't stop, Maya was dead, and was not ever coming back. That was a fact now, and there was no changing that.

Everyone was furious angered and were looking at Ash with bloodlust in their eyes. With how my emotions were flying about, I was about to do the same myself. But I fought my emotions. I couldn't let my emotions take over. Not like this.

"Rose..." Raan, her eyes teary got beside me, gently holding my hand. "You're.. hurt.."

"I'm fine,"

I looked at everyone, they were all angered, if I lost myself here, it was going to be bad. Kyra was glaring at Ash, his hands holding Maya's sword close to him, Mercedes and Black were fighting their tears, trying to calm Lily. Au, Sylvia, Victoria, Este, Violetta, Gyou, Elliot... they were all shocked by Maya's death. Nana was furious, her eyes were red and she was on the verge of flaring up....

I had to control my emotions. I stood up, walking towards Ash. My tears stained my cheeks, I eyes and nose red. I stood before him, looking at him.

"Child... I... I have nothing to say, I-I just... I'm sorry. If it serves as any form of condolence, would you care for the last bout?"

"You... want me to fight you?"

"No. I want to die here, by your hands. I cannot justify my actions, nor can I walk away from this. I have nothing left. My conflict with Maya was possibly the only thing that has been keeping me going. With my Clan dead, and.. her... I have no reason to go on. Ge's approach means nothing to me... so, I ask of you, Child. Would you take all your emotions... and put them into your blade against me?"

"Alright. Everyone... I'll... I'll make this quick," I said, drying my tears and drew my blade. "Ash... let's begin."


Our blades clashed, the sound of the swords colliding, the metallic clangs... it was loud, it was clear. We were fighting each other, Ash was fighting his last fight. He wanted me to kill him. What he wanted.. I was going to grant it.

My feelings... anger, hate, sadness.... I had them in my blade, to strike. For a kill.

I rushed forwards, and slashed, he blocked, I did it again, he stepped away. He hit back, I jumped aside,spun around and threw my blade at him. It shot into a tree as he moved away, I leapt towards and over him, grabbed my blade and attacked him again. He was avoiding my attacks for as long as he could, he was trying to do something.... I never managed figured it out. I was too occupied by my emotions to think about it.

I rushed forwards, hitting hard against his blade and knocking it off his hands. I i didn't waste any time, I slid behind him and managed to land a heavy slash onto his back, he fell to the ground. I rushed in for a thrust, all my feelings pushed into the tip of my blade. The blade drove right through his chest, and it was like my pain had suddenly disappeared. He looked at me in the eyes for a long while and let out a smile, a simple smile. A smile that showed relief, did he really want to die that much? Though he was in pain, he was smiling.

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