Chapter 42: Uncertainty

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We weren't sure how things went. None of us did. And I despised how I didn't know about it. Rose was badly hurt, Raan jumped in after her, and what happened to them remained a mystery. Frustration was building up, and it wasn't going well on our end. With all the buildup of frustration, it was making us go around in a state of near-lunacy, or something of the sort.

We already lost Maya, and now the fates of Rose and Raan are unknown. Dead or alive, we had no way of knowing. I needed to know. Professor Callum didn't know either... or was he simply not telling us? What could be the reason for hiding such an important thing from us?

Our party was definitely not doing well. Au was pacing around the room, Kyra was still in a state of frenzy, our seniors were all silent. Overall, we were simply in a state of discord.

Vega had come around along with Raven and Adalia, all bearing a worried look on their faces, it was obvious that they had heard of the news. Kyra saw them and immediately stood up, and he was furious.

"You!!" He shouted at Raven, "Why did you even bring that man near Rosaria!?!" he continued, grabbing her collar and jerking her towards him, if it weren't for you, my sister would still be alive! YOU brought him to us!" he shouted and shoved her onto the ground. "To hell with you! All of you!"

"Kyra! Calm down you idiot!" Au voiced up. "Don't be like this!"
"Autumn! Stand down!"

"Shut up! They caused this situation, they need to handle it. And you, Vega!! If you hadn't been going on a rampage, Rosaria wouldn't have be injured! Rosaria almost died because of you! Why must you even exist?! You've been nothing but trouble!!"

"Hey! It's not her fault!" Adalia stood between them. "Back off!"

"Don't act all high and mighty like you're the right one here! Rosaria can't use her powers becaue of you!! And look where that got her!!"

I was about to stop the argument when Nana abruptly grabbed Kyra by the collar, turned him around hard and slapped him right across the face, the sound of the slap loud and clear, bringing the arguing to a complete halt. There were tears brimming on Nana's eyes as she gritted her teeth.


"Can you seriously just shut up...?"


"I'M TELLING YOU TO SHUT THE HELL UP!!" She yelled in his face, yanking his collar and bringing them face to face. "So it's their fault now that Rosaria and Raan's in the water and god knows what the hell their fates are? Huh!?! Well answer me this, smartass! Who the hell ran in there like a brain-dead idiot trying to attack a goddamn dragon, who for heck's sake got hit by a full barrage of gunfire and shrugged it off like a bloody leaf landed on him?! Rose went in there to make sure we wouldn't get hurt! And yet you decided that it was a better idea to screw up the whole plan!! And now you're saying that it's their fault?! Think with your head you idiot!" She voiced in anger, but slowly calmed down. "Raven brought Ash to us to warn us about that stupid dragon. And sure, Vega and Adalia gave us trouble, but they were responsible for making sure Rosaria even survived...  So tell me, O-wise doctor, which part of your goddamn logic even shows that their the ones at fault?! HUH!?!" She shouted again, the red marks appearing on her face as her eyes flared red.

"Nana," Arthe held her shoulder. "Calm down."

"..." Nana looked down, eventually letting go of Kyra. "Sorry. Give...give me some time alone, she sighed and walked away. I could hear her sniffling.

Kyra looked away and ran off elsewhere as well. What was going to become of us, we weren't sure. As for Vega and the others however, they seemed pretty affected by Kyra's words. In fact, Raven was sitting on the ground, sobbing like a child.

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