Part 10|| alejate de mi

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"Te dije que dejarás a mi hija en paz." Carmen speaks to Zabdiel as she pulls him in a corner so her mother wouldn't hear. She couldn't take the risk of her mother knowing that she threatened to send Amelia away if Zabdiel didn't comply and stay away from her. Her mother would tell Amelia and everything will be ruined. "Sabía que tarde o temprano algo así pasaría. Ahora mi hija está en el hospital por tu culpa." Her voice held no concern for her daughter, only anger towards her and the boy standing in front of her. The boy shed tears, at this point so vulnerable to the point of breaking from all the regret.

"Hice lo que me dijo, señora." Zabdiel speaks, his voice afraid. "Amelia siempre encontraba la forma de hablarme o comunicarse. Ella no quiere que terminemos, aunque la trate mal como me dijo."

Carmen shakes her head and sighs bitterly. "Tan terca como su padre." She thought she murmured that, but Zabdiel heard her. He had never known anything about Amelia's father. Yet he didn't let the information come in one ear and out the other.

"¡Carmen!" Isabel approaches them, and Zabdiel moves himself to the side. "Aquí viene el doctor que está atendiendo a Amelia." The doctor approaches and Zabdiel turns a bit to hear.

"Buenas tardes, doctor. ¿Como está mi hija?" Carmen speaks, fake worry in her voice.

"Amelia está estable, pero sufrió trauma al cerebro. El tipo de trauma que resulta de estos accidentes es usualmente el que le llamamos amnesia retrógrada." The doctor informs, and Zabdiel turns around to face the man. "Amnesia retrógrada es el tipo de trauma que causa que el paciente olvide eventos o recuerdos recientes, usualmente serían eventos que se llevaron acabo un mes o dos antes del accidente. Sugiero que ustedes como su familia la ayuden a refrescarle la memoria porque cuando despierte estará muy confundida. Es probable que si recupere la memoria, pero es una probabilidad muy pequeña."

Zabdiel's heart shattered at the diagnosis. Amelia would have no recollection of the last three weeks and their time spent together. All of the meaningful events that took place were washed away from her, and he was the only one that recounted them. He cried into his hands, feeling helpless.

"¿Podemos pasar a verla, doctor?" Isabel pleads. The doctor allows one visitor in at a time and the first to go was Carmen. She shot Zabdiel a wicked smirk before she left, but Zabdiel has no energy to resent the woman for the damage she had caused.

When it was his turn to see Amelia her mother sent him away. Zabdiel pleaded to see her. Carmen wouldn't budge.

"Por favor, señora. Aunque sea por un segundo, pero necesito verla. Necesito ver que esta bien," Zabdiel chokes out, his voice breaking with each word. The feeling he felt was indescribable, and he needed to help it by seeing her even if it meant it would be the last time.

"Te sugiero que antes de causarle más daño a mi hija que te retires." Carmen says firmly, her arms crossing in front of her. Isabel shook her head at her daughter, wondering what is it that was so wrong about a boy caring for their little girl.

"Zabdiel, hijo, pasa a ver Amelia." Isabel says, and Carmen's glare darts from Zabdiel to her mother. Zabdiel grabbed her hand kissing the back of it, thanking her for allowing him such privilege.

He was going to see her.


When he came in she was asleep and machines were hooked up to her. A neck brace was around her neck. There were tiny red cuts all around her face, and bruises framed her face too. Zabdiel walked to her and sat in the chair to her left. He wept and took her hand in his. Her hands were cold, and paler than usual, and he took them in his to warm the up, kissing each one first. He looked back up to her face and tried to control his sobs. It broke him to see her in this hospital bed and all bruised up. It made him feel worse that he could have prevented this from happening and he simply didn't.

"Perdóname," He whispered to her. "Perdóname, Luna. Solo quise protegerte y cuidarte. Tu felicidad significa todo para mi, y se que tu familia te hace feliz. Estaba dispuesto a hacer todo porque tú te quedarás aquí en Miami al lado de tu abuela y tu mamá, aunque significara que tenía que establecer un muro entre nosotros. Te amo, Luna. Perdóname si no hice lo necesario para cuidarte."



Everything is black. All I see is darkness. My eyes and brain don't coordinate, so when I try to open my eyes it doesn't work. My mouth can't form any words either.

I recognized the voice of my mother and the voice of my grandma. But this voice I couldn't. I tried to, but no matter how much I tried I couldn't so whatever he was saying I had zero recollection of. However, at the sound of his voice my heart raced and my stomach was filled with butterflies. I wished to see his face. His touch electrified me, and his scent only added to the many feelings I was feeling at the moment.

"Luna," He says and I feel a squeeze to my hand. "Ya me tengo que ir, pero prometo regresar a tu lado lo antes possible. Te amo."

I felt a peck to my hand and I sense he came closer to my face, but I felt no touch at all. I could smell his cologne as it lingered above my nose, and I wanted to so badly open my eyes and see who it was. Parting footsteps told me he had left. My heart sank a little and I didn't know why. My ears picked up a voice which I recognized as my mother's and she said to whoever this was, "No regreses. Si no me veré firmando los papeles del internado, ¿entendido?"


Hey guys!

Here's another update! If you like this story make sure to check out my Richard Fanfic 'Hired' ! :)

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