Part 17|| hostage

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I pull away from my rainy window and I walk over to my bed, using my head phones to unplug from the world. I listen to music as I draw just to kill time. I have nothing else to do in this lonely house.

The next thing I remember was ..

When it starts to feel like the walls are closing in on me I grab a hoodie, and place on some leather combat boots.

When my eyes open again I run my hands through the drawing, through the face of the drawing, trying to remember who this stranger was. He was certainly attractive, and seeing this drawing made my heart skip a beat. I clutched it like my life depended on it, feeling the need to hold this person on paper close to my heart to fill a void. Maybe this was the person I was meant to find. But what about the man from the hospital? They certainly couldn't be the same person, one was much older than the other and I couldn't feel the same thing for both that's for sure.

"Amelia!" I heard my mom call from outside. I shuffle about, stuffing the sketchbook under my blanket. She comes in just after I do so.

"Es tiempo de que te duermas y tomes tus pastillas," she states, eyeing me suspiciously. I hate when she tells me this, or treats me like a mental person in a psych ward. She restricts everything and sometimes I don't know....It just— It- It feels like I'm a hostage in my own house.

She placed the pills in my palms, also handing me a glass of water. My stomach churned like it was in a down spiral at the sight of these pills. Something about them didn't feel right. The headaches, the nausea, the sleepiness. Nothing.

"Drink them," my mother stated firmly when I wouldn't. I plopped them in my mouth, tucking them under my tongue like I had been the past few nights and days. "Habré la boca, Amelia."

I looked at her wide eyed.

"Habré la boca!" She states, forcing my mouth open. She pushed my tongue up and certainly found the pills. "Trágatelas, Amelia."

I shook my head, which led her to clamp my mouth shut. "Te la vas a tragar ahora mismo. ¿Enserio pensaste que nunca descubría tú táctica ingenua? Por favor, Amelia. No me hagas encerrarte en el-"

"¿Adonde? ¿En el ático mamá? Porque de todas formas estoy encerrada aquí, en mi propia casa el día entero. No dejas que haga nada, estoy sola todo el día, ¿¡que mas quieres!?" I admit, my hands forming fists from how angry I was. "Me estás escondiendo algo, ¡dime que es!"

"¡Ya sabes todo lo que tienes que saber!" She retorts, but I can see in her eyes that she's lying.

"¿Que tan ingenua crees que soy, mamá? Yo se que me escondes algo, ¡no soy aquella niña de diez años que manipulabas!" I comment, standing up to her level. I'm not backing down, I'm tired of not knowing, tired.

"Baja tu tono conmigo, ¡tu y yo no somos iguales!" She threatens, trying to sound authoritative and intimidating. I'm not scared though, I've been through hell these past five months.

"Estoy harta de esta mierda de vida, de nunca saber nada, de siempre tener que beber estas malditas pastillas." I confess, spitting them out in front of her. "Tu juego se acaba aquí mamá, ¡dime que hiciste con mi casete y quien es el!" I brought up the drawing, and she seemed angry and shocked altogether. However, she was swift enough to rip the paper out, ripping and bawling up the pieces left.

I screamed out in a loud cry, reaching out for the falling pieces, my heart breaking like the pieces of paper in front of me. They fell to the floor, the tiny pieces were beyond salvageable. The only clue I ever had was now gone, ripped to pieces like my heart. The void was back, and deeper than ever.

"¡Te dije que tu y yo no somos iguales!"my mother repeated as her hand slapped my cheek, leaving it stinging and throbbing.

"Eso es más que obvio, ¡yo nunca seré tan mala como tu mamá! Ya se porque mi padre se fue, ¡lo volviste loco con tu forma de ser y el se apartó de ti el segundo que pudo!" I told her, lashing out at her. I grabbed a bag, packing a few things as I said so. "Yo haré lo mismo, ¡y me arrepiento de no haberlo hecho antes de todo esto!"

"No serías capaz—" my mother began to say but I interjected.

"¡Mirame!" I slung the bag over my shoulder, and stepped out of my room, my mom close on my tail as I walked out the house, passing every room in this house and hearing her screams off in the distance. Nothing but getting out mattered.

And now that I'm out nothing but finding out the truth mattered.



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