Chapter 24: Even Flow

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I just love how long his hair was ^^

I just love how long his hair was ^^

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I stood there jaw dropped while everyone piled in my house.

Dave Grohl and Krist Novoselic, the men behind Nirvana, besides Kurt.

Everyone stands around in conversation mode, and I feel a tap on my shoulder.

A tall man with shortish hair approaches me.

I can recognize him automatically.

He extends his hand for me to shake. "Hi. I'm Krist, I'm guessing that you've already heard of my ex band Nirvana, correct?"

I'm struggling with this current situation. What the fuck is going on?

I admire this man so damn much, and Dave . Can't wait to meet him too.

I shake his hand and try to find the words to speak.

I stutter like a fool, "I- It's so awesome to finally meet you, Krist. My name's Rosalyn, but everyone knows me as Rose."

He smiles kindly. " It's nice to meet you too. I brought a gift because a little birdie told me it was your birthday."

He hands me a box of chocolates.

"Hey, I wanna say that Nirvana was a special thing you guys had and I appreciate what you guys did for your fans," I say fiddling with my fingers hoping not to sound fan girlish.

He chuckles lightly in an angelic way.

"I appreciate that thanks, and I think up above, Kurt is hearing that too."

I give him a hug , as a gesture that he'll be okay.

I blush and end the conversation by saying "I'll talk to you later."

He does the same and heads to sit on the couch.

I walk towards Dave, which has had the most success with his new band the Foo Fighters.

He has his back turned to me so I poke him .

His hair is so long , even longer than mine. It's so pretty.

He turns around and gives me a dashing smile.

"Hey, you must be Rosalyn right?"

I giggle, "Yep that's me alright. Nice to meet you Dave. I'm a big fan.

He laughs , with joy filling his eyes.

"I'm happy to hear that. Anthony said you were. I'm sorry we haven't met sooner, it's just that I've been busy with my new band you know. Especially after Kurt's passing."

"By the way, I really like your hair," I mentally face palm myself.

He blushes a light pink, then brushes his hair away from his face.

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