20th December

114 31 40

8:09 am

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8:09 am

Azura yawned and stretched her arms wide, blinking, to wake herself up. She had a surprisingly good nights sleep, last night.

Making her way drowsily into the bathroom, she brushed her teeth, fixed her hair and changed into a more presentable attire. She then made her way out to the kitchen, intending to get a bite to eat before heading out to meet Jordan again.

Grabbing a granola bar, she walked to the front door, but was stopped by her brother blocking it.

"That's it. Who is he?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Who's who?" she asked innocently, feigning ignorance.

"Don't play dumb with me. The boy you were talking to a few days in the alley near Mr. Simmons's house. The one holding the dog? The one who you seem to be visiting every day? Ring any bells?" he drawled.

"Wait, you followed me?!" Azura shrieked.

"Yeah, but-" Xandar was interrupted by the continuous ringing of the doorbell. The two siblings shared a look. They both had a feeling who it was.

Azura made her way to the door, bracing herself for the onslaught of words.

And just like they predicted, Jessica Von Claire stood at the door, her hands on her hips and a frown on her face.

"Where the hell where you for the past couple of days?! I've texted you, and called and I even came over yesterday, just to find that you weren't home! You've been ignoring me! You better have a perfectly valid reason for neglecting your best friend, or you'll be sorry," she yelled, her voice going higher and higher with each word from indignation.

Azura took a step back, only to he stopped by her brother standing behind her. Now trapped by two people demanding explanations, she was left with no other choice.

"Fine," she sighed. "I'll take you two to meet him, but please, don't ruin everything."

The two looked stunned at Azura's answer, surprised that she gave in so easily. They really were expecting a bit more of a fight from her.

"We're leaving now, so if you want to meet him, you better get dressed," she said tiredly, hoping that the day wouldn't turn into a complete and utter disaster.

Jess seemed to snap out of it, and she joined Azura near the front door. However, Xandar was still frozen in a state of shock. Rolling her eyes, Azura gave him a hard shove, sending him stumbling forward.

He glared at her, before disappearing into his bedroom, no doubt to change into something more suitable.

He emerged a little while later, in the process of tying a scarf around his neck.

"Come on, let's go," he motioned with his hand, trying to break the icy silence in the room. All three walked out the door, Azura leading the way, the other two following a little way behind.

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