22nd December

82 25 24

9:21 am

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9:21 am

Azura stared at herself in the mirror, finally coming to the conclusion she tried so hard to avoid.

She needed to exercise.

It had been weeks since she last engaged herself in any form of physical exertion, and if she kept putting it off, she was bound to turn into a couch potato. Saying that it was winter wasn't a valid excuse any more.

Sighing in defeat, Azura started dressing herself in clothes appropriate for a good few hours of biking.

Pulling her hood up, she left a sticky note on the refrigerator stating where she went. She really didn't need her brother panicking when he finally decides to wake up.

She stepped outside, pleasantly surprised to feel a ray of warmth on her face. Smiling, she dragged her bike out of the garage, where it had sat unused, for quite a while.

Dusting it off, she concluded that it was alright to use, and with a push of her foot, she set off.

She sailed through the open roads, cautious to avoid any unwanted accidents. And while she still kept a lookout for other vehicles, she let her mind roam free. The wind was crisp and cool against her face as she pumped her legs faster, trying to keep up with the vehicles beside her.

She cycled for miles, eventually straying off the main road and onto some smaller concrete paths.

With the danger of being hit gone, she allowed herself to revel in the familiar feeling of her muscles burning, and her thighs aching.

Taking a deep breath of the fresh morning air, she thought about her plans for the rest of the day. And Jordan.

Always Jordan.

Finally coming to a halt at a dead end, she realised that she was pretty far from home. Biting her lip, she turned her bike around, eager to get away from the unfamiliar street.

But she stopped when her eyes spotted an old, dilapidated building, which looked like it hadn't been occupied in years.

Curiosity struck, and she found herself approaching the house, taking each step as cautiously as she could.

It was clear that the building used to be someone's home back in the day, but had now been reduced to a barely standing structure surrounded by rubble.

She walked through the gateway, and to the still intact front door. While the sight wasn't eerie, she was still a little bit uncomfortable, walking into a stranger's home.

Azura placed her hand on the doorknob, but abruptly released before opening it.

No. This wasn't right.

She couldn't just waltz into a stranger's old home, however wrecked it was. Letting out a huff, she walked back to her bike, with every intention of going home as soon as possible.

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