19th December

117 29 46

1:03 pm

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1:03 pm

Azura woke up late.

Very late.

She opened her eyes to the bright rays of sunshine filtering through the gaps in her blinds. As the light fell on her face, she squinted and rubbed her eyes, trying to get herself awake.

She yawned, and unlocked her phone which was kept on her dark wooden nightstand to check the time.

It was almost one o' clock in the afternoon! She had overslept!

But to be fair, you couldn't really blame her. She had awoken before dawn the day before to see Jordan, and didn't seem to be able to fall back asleep, even upon reaching home.

She sighed and lay back down on the bed, covering her eyes with her arm.

She wondered if there was any chance she could slip by unnoticed by her brother. Perhaps he was even still asleep! Azura knew that Xandar was a heavy sleeper, and there might be a fair chance for her to meet Jordan again.

Smiling with hope, she leaped out of bed and started getting dressed in anticipation for the day.

But all her grand plans came to a halt when a knock sounded on her closed door.

"Azura! Come on! Its almost time for lunch already. We've saved you a little breakfast, so you better come eat it before I do."

Azura sighed. Out of all the days her brother could have chosen to wake up early, he chose today? Although, sleeping beyond one in the afternoon was a little bit extreme, even for him.

Defeated, Azura headed towards the bathroom to freshen up.

7:31 pm

Azura seized her opportunity late in the evening when Xandar went out to meet a friend.

Her parents had gone to watch a movie together, and upon her insistence, reluctantly agreed to let her stay alone for the night. She was thankful that her parents were mostly unaware of her daily visits, even though she felt terrible for lying to them.

Xandar, on the other hand, knew all about her comings and goings, and had constantly prodded her with questions throughout the day.

By some miracle, Azura managed to evade all of them.

Shaking the thoughts from her mind, she ran out of the house and towards the infamous alley. Which almost seemed like a second home now.

To her surprise, Jordan was fairly easy to find. He was dressed in a messy apron, which covered his ragged shirt. She wondered why he was wearing it.

She caught up with him, just as he stopped to rub his hands together from the cold.

"Jordan!" she called out, waving her hands like a maniac.

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