21st December

107 24 55

8:12 am

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8:12 am

Azura skipped downstairs, practically glowing with happiness.

Her smile was broad, and her laughter genuine, as she danced around the kitchen making herself breakfast.

Xandar drowsily emerged from his bedroom and stared at his sister wearily, wondering where her good mood was coming from.

"It's too early to be happy," he groaned, resting his head on the kitchen counter.

"It's never too late, or early to be happy. Anytime, is a good time," she chirped, placing some pancakes in front of Xandar.

He raised his brows questioningly.

"What's put you in such a good mood?" he asked grabbing the fork she offered.

"Everything's going wonderfully. I got good grades in my midterms, Christmas is almost here, and..." She paused, seemingly considering her next words. After a few moments of thought, she continued.

"My two best friends approve of my new one," she finished, her smile now sweet and soft.

Xandar stared at his sister, his mouth full. She had changed so much in the past few days, no doubt because of Jordan. And while he wasn't sure whether or not the change was a good one, Xandar was sure that the boy was making Azura much happier.

And that was worth having her disappear for hours at a time everyday.

"Hey, when are you heading out today? You are going to see Jordan, right?"

"Hmmm," she mused, polishing off the last of her pancakes. "I'm not sure, but I'll go as soon as-" Azura was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell.

She hopped off her seat and twirled towards the front door.

"I'll get it." She called to Xandar, swinging the door open to reveal none other than Jordan, his shirt and hair covered with feathery snow.

"Jordan!" Azura exclaimed with excitement.

He didn't say anything in reply, but he did offer his hand for her to take. Smiling, Azura accepted it.

"Hey Xandar, I'm going now. Bye." She waved, and grabbed a scarf from the coat rack near her front door.

Xandar hardly had time to say goodbye before the couple sauntered out of the house, the door shutting behind them.

He sighed and went back to his pancakes, wondering when his own special someone would accept him.


"So, what brings you here?" Azura asked fiddling with her coat sleeve.

"Well, since I figured since you go through the effort of finding me everyday, I should return the favour," he replied nonchalantly, tucking his hands into his pockets.

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