Love Meant To Stay

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Have you ever loved something so dear that you promised it foreverness? I had once. When I was around 6-10 ish I received a baby bird for my birthday. It was love at first sight. A bond never to be broken, as so I thought... About almost a month ago on October 31, 2016, my sweet bird was found dead at the bottom of the cage. Blood splattered everywhere on the walls, the perches, on his brother, and underneath his delegate limp body. Maybe the pain wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been the one to discover his lifeless corpse, from chewing his own leg off. According to the vet, he may have gotten bitten by a spider, and that caused him to do what he did.

His name was Buddy, the sweetest bird I have ever had or have seen. My favorite memory of him would have to have been whenever I would hold him wrapped in a blanket HIS blanket. I would call him a Buddy burrito and pretend to eat him while he on the other hand would look at me with his tiny brown eyes. Those eyes, the eyes that dig into my soul whenever I think of him are possibly the reason I cry almost every day. Every moment now I feel alone and lost with no hope or joy, the only thing you will see is a smile.

Not a smile that shows a real emotion but a fake one, an emotion to hide how I feel. An emotion to try and show that even though I'm hurting, I'm strong and still as happy as I was before, but sadly deep down inside I'm dying. There is only one thing I want back, him. If only someone would have come to get me and tell me that he was hurting himself maybe just maybe I could have saved him, but now it's too late.  The past is in the past and there is still a bright future to behold, just as long as one believes there is one.

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