Chapter 5

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"Dude, did you smell blood to?" I heard my annoying best friend Mack ask. He came to the bathroom I turned around to look at him and Brair whimpered. She must be attached easily and lack trust.

"Oh, sorry I didn't-" his nostrils flared. "Blood." He almost pounced on her but I stoped him. "You can't have everything Max!" He said angrily. "Dude she isn't a snack." I could feel her heart beating loudly. She was terrified. I felt a drop of water fall on me and I looked back to see tears falling from her eyes. "Shhh" I got her down from the counter top and hugged her tight. "No one will hurt you agian. You are safe." I rubbed her back gently and she sobbed into my shirt. I whispered in her ear to go sit on my bed and I would be there in a minute. She obeyed and walked over to my bed. I watched as she sat on the bed and looked down at the carpet.

I turned my attention back to Mack and he looked a little less mad. "Bro, you see what you did." "Sorry Max, I didn't know she was the girl." "Mhm." I said my arms crossed. "I'll just go." He said pointing to the door. "Mhm." I said shortly. He left and I locked the door I turned toward Brair and sat next to her. I wrapped my arm around her small waist and she burried her head in my chest. "Brair, do you mind me calling you B?" She shook her head no. "C-can I c-call y-you M-maxey?" "Mhm B, you can call me that." I traced small circles in her back. We sat there for a while like that until she spoke up. "Do do you have any clothes?" "Mhm, let me get you some." I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a over sized tee. I realized she would need under garments. "Come on B we need to go down stairs to find you underwear." I say that because we had a lot of pre purchased girl items that the girls left behind and never wore. It was Mack's idea to keep them.

I grabbed her hand and led her out the door to the stairs. We walked down and a luckily a lot of the guys where in there rooms.

"Here B, go get what you need." She let go of my hand and went to the full dresser. She looked for a while until she came back with some black underwear and bra. "That will do right?" "Yes"

We walked back to my room and I closed the door back. I grabbed the black MCR tee and handed it to her. "Towels are under the sink,okay?" She nodded and walked over to the bathroom but only cracked the door. She was scared. I felt so bad.

About 30 minutes passed and she came back out with my shirt on. It looked better on her. The tee consumed half her, but none the less she was pretty. She came and sat next to me. "B, will you be okay while I shower?" She nodded. I got up and grabbed some boxers and grey sweatpants.

I walked over to the bathroom door and she followed. I closed the door all the way but I heared her hum from the outside. She sat outside the door.

Halfway through my shower I heared her voice. "Maxey, Maxey" i heared her knock on the door. "I-i'm scared." I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waist. I opened the door a crack and replied. "B, what's wrong?" "St-storms." She pointed to the window. "Oh B, hold on." I got changed into my clothes and oppened the door back up. She hugged me tight once seeing I was fully clothed. "St-storms." She said her voice shaking.

I looked out the window and saw a clouded sky with lighting and thunder. It was day and I hated the sun so I did us both a favor and closed my blinds. I grabbed B's hand and led her back to ny bed. "Here you can sleep on the bed, I will sleep on the floor." I said to B and she shook her head. "It's okay I don't mind if you sleep on the bed." It was a whispered sentence but none the less a sentence. I nodded and climed in the bed she did the same. I pulled my black comforter over us and closed my eyes. I felt a body soon come in contact with mine, it was B. She layed agianst my back and grabbed my hand. I could feel her shaking. I turned around and cuddled her making her stop.


"Maxey" I heared someone whisper in my ear. "Huh" I said rubbing my eys and looking at the familiar face. "We slept the day away" she said pointing at the window. "We did now?" I said chuckling. She noded. I sat up in my bed and pulled Brair close to me. "Get used to it. Vampires hate the sun." She hugged me and said, "Thanks for keeping me safe yesterday. I hate s-storms." I patted her back and responded with a mere 'Your welcome.'

She got out of our hug and walked over to my closet still in my MCR shirt. She came back out with a pair of my sweatpants on they where way to big for her. "I don't think that's your size B." I said sitting on the edge of my bed chuckling. "So... they are very comfy." She walked over to me and made a model pose and spun around. The sweatpants began to sag because she forgot to tye the string. "Looks like you should tye the string." She looked down and tyed the string. Her face was a light shade of pink. "Whoops." She said breaking the silence. I just laughed.

We heared a knock at the door and she scurried toward me. "Come in." I said loud enough for the oerson to hear. Brair sat right next to me criss-cross. "Hey Maxwell the guys wanna meet your friend."

Published ~ 3~9~18
Word count ~ 1047

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