Chapter 18

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I woke up and Maxwell was staring at the photo of me and my family. "Is this your family?" Maxwell asked looking at me with a worried smile. "Yeah. Why?" "No reason, but this boy he is your brother?" I nodded and looked away. My brother always disliked me. He thought he deserved more attention because he was older. I always just stepped out of his way because I felt like I would make him feel bad about being adopted. Like mom and dad only spent time with me more because I had blood relation.  I rember for a whole year when I was 14 all he would do was slap me in my face or give me bruises from punching me.  He was 16 and after that year he left the house. I haven't seen him since but the thought of him scares me.

"Brair are you blood related?" I turned toward Maxwell and shook my head. I felt a tear drop from my cheek. I hated him. I hated my brother. "Oh my Brair. Did I say something wrong?" Maxwell became worried but I shook my head so he wouldn't move and hurt his burns even more. I tried so hard not to worry Maxwell by telling him, but I couldn't keep it all in. "He abused me Maxwell. Everyday afterschool when I was 14 he would slap me on my face sometimes punch me and leave bruises. I couldn't tell my mom or dad. He left when he was 16 that's the last I ever heard from him a slap to my face and he stepped out the door. My mom died shortly after that in a car accident and my father has been MIA for 3 years. "  I breathed it all out told him everything and I eneded up crying my eyes out by the end of it. "Brair, I'm sorry but you are right Malici is a jerk. He hurt you so I'm gonna make sure I hurt him. " I was very confused. "Huh Maxwell that isn't my brothers name his name is Malik." "No your borother isn't human. I would know. He stayed at the castle for 5 years until running off with a werewolf. Haven't seen him since. Me and him where close, but he got aggressive and wouldn't stop talking about his little sister and his adoptive parents and how he hated them." Maxwell got up off the couch and I tried to pull him back down so he wouldn't hurt himself. "Brair no!" He shouted back at me. I shrunk into a ball. "Let me call him. Let me call him and he say one bad thing about you and I rip his limbs off one by one." You could see his blood boiling and the anger in his eyes. He aggressively snatched his phone off the kitchen counter and dialed a number.

Bold~Malici Regular~Maxwell

"Hello?" "Malici." "Oh Maxwell my old friend how are you long time no see." "Listen to me Malici where is your location?" "Miami Flordia why?" "You are in Miami!" "Yes and?" "Send me your address I will be there in a few hours."

He hung up the phone and walked over to me. "Brair we are going." "Maxwell I'm scared I don't wanna see him." "Brair if he so much as lays a finger on you I will kill him. Understand?" I nodded sheepishly. "We have to go. I have unfinished business." I nodded and walked over to him and he put a plaid shirt on. "Gavin come on we are leaving!"


We reached my brothers house and I became very anxious. I can barley breath. "Brair I am right here and so is Gavin calm down. I can hear your heartbeat from the other side of the lawn. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He brought his knuckles up to the wooden door and pounded on it. The door creaked open and...


Published~ 4~11~18

Word count~ 670


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