Chapter 10

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"He messed with love? Why does this concern me or you?" He questioned. "One, your his father. Two,he messed with the girl I love." I said aggressively. "Watch your tongue vamp. And if your having a problem with love go see Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love."

Of course. Why didn't I think of this before. "Thanks Hades." I ran back up the stairs and was transported from the underworld. Only live souls and the offspring of Hades can transport in and out.

When coming back up I instantly flew to the temple where the statue of Aphrodite was held. I kneeled before it. "Goddess of Love at your service. Show yourself." I lifted my head up and showed my fangs. "Ahh I see Hades step boy." Her voice was tender and sweet. Suddenly a fiqure with long blonde hair and a pink dress appeared. "What do you need?" "I'm having trouble in the love department. "No really I thought you had trouble in the brains department." She said annoyed.

"Opportunity isn't a length visitor." She said spining around me. "Well there is this girl her name is Brair." I found myself telling Aphrodite the whole story. "I see well it seems you just need to tell her you like her." "But I don't like her... I love her." "Mhm so why don't you tell her that." At that instant I bowed and flew off.

I have been so foolish. I should just tell her I care about her. Then my brother couldn't say she was "expired."

I reached the window of my room and crawled in. It was sunrise so I wouldn't be suprised to see Brair asleep.

I turned to look at the bed and saw her asleep. I climbed in next to her. I whispered "night" and kissed her cheek.

I woke up with Brair cuddled into my side. "Maxey, are you awake?" I heared Brair ask in a soft tone. "Yeah" I replied rolling over to face her. "Good" she got closer to me. "What did you do yesterday?" "I went to talk with... a old friend of mine" I winced in my head while saying friend. "Maxey" she said tracing circles in my stomach. "Hmm" I hummed. "Thank you for protecting me." I sighed. In all reality I'm the one who dragged her into this. I should be protecting her. But what if it's more than just protecting her because its my duty what if she is more than just a human to me. Why can't I just say it. Say that I love her.

"M-maxey I-I t-think I l-love you." That was music to my ears. We where facing each other and she looked down at her hand. "Brair I think I love you too" I said kissing her head. She smiled and looked up at me.


(Brair POV)

I just told him I loved him... and he said he loved me back. Oh my gosh he said he loved me. That means we love each other that means we are a thing? Help.

"Brair wanna do something fun?" "Like what?" "That's for me to know and you to find out."


Published~ 3~27~18

Word count~ 540

I'm sorry that I'm evil. Guess you'll have to wait until Thursday.


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