Chapter 22

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(Brair's POV)

It's been a couple days since I cutt. Maxwell never left my side. He was there when I was eating, when I was sleeping, when I was watching tv, he was there. I couldn't help but feel sad. I made him worry.

I rember the words he told me, "If you're gonna cutt do it on my arm like you would do it on yours." This probably wouldn't faze him he isn't humman but still I could never physically hurt Maxey.

We where laying on the couch we had just got off our flight. We where in Hawaii. I wanted to see the beaches so bad, but I had fear. Fear of everything. I am self couscous now. I won't even be around Maxwell unless I'm wearing sweats and a baggy tee. I just feel bad. I stoped eating. Maxwell says I need to eat so I won't become fragile, but how can I eat when I don't have an appetite.

Gavin's gonna be here in a week. Maxwell says he is bringing his daughter. I didn't know he had one, but Maxwell did. He said she is only 9 but has a mouth. Can't wait to meet her. That might of sounded sarcastic, but I truly am. I want to treat her right 'cause I was treated so wrong. She deserves a good childhood unlike mine.

My thoughts where interrupted by Maxwell, "What's on your mind Brair?" I shook my head and Maxwell faced towards me. He took my hand and looked me in the eyes. "What's wrong. Have you been cooped up in hotels for to long. Does Brair need to see the beautiful beaches of Hawaii?" He was teasingly scolding my bad adittude. I simply rolled my eyes and he nudged my shoulder. "Come on Brair lets have fun!" "I don't feel like it Max-" I was interrupted by a loud knock at the door. "Be right back" Maxwell said kissing my forehead.

He disappeared down the hall to the door. I waited for a minute until I heared Maxwell's laughter. "Brair look who came early!" Maxwell said sitting down next to me. "Gavin?" I was shocked he was holding a little girl. "Hey Brair," he looked happier than when he was bye himself "this is Angelica." She waved at me and started to speak. " Why are you so tiny?" Gavin gave her a stern look and she was confused. "Angelica that isn't what you say to strangers." "It was just a question dad." She wiggled out of his arms and walked over towards me. She sat down right infront of me and I gave her a nervous smile. "Do you have fangs? Mine haven't grown completely in yet. Dad says it's becuase I complain alot, but I don't think that has anything to do with it. " I looked down at my hands and shook my head no. "You don't have fangs? Are you a wolf? Do you have a tail? Do you like belly rubs?" Maxwell was trying to contain his laughter but was failing miserably. I shook my head no agian and Gavin chimed in. "Angelica Brair isn't a vampire or a wolf, shes a human." "Oh a real human!!!" She squeales with excitement and hopped up and down on the couch. I half smiled and looked up from my hands. Maxwell kissed my cheek and grabbed my hand.

Angelica stopped jumping up and down and looked at me and Maxwell holding hands. "Uncle Maxwell do you love Brair?" She pointed to our hands. "Very much so." He looked at me and moved my hair out of my face.

"Dad did you hear that Uncle Maxwell loves Brair!" Maxwell chuckled and he squeezed my hand. "Yes Angelica I heard it." "Does that mean Briar is your girlfriend Uncle Maxwell?" Angelica questioned. "Yes Brair is my girlfriend, but I like to call her my soulmate." I smiled and Maxwell and Angelica squealed.

"Dad why can't you and Talia be cute like that?" Angelica pouted. "Angelica we don't call your mother by her real name, that's rude." "But dad you call mom alot of names. Like-" "Okay thats enough." Maxwell and I both laughed and Angelica smirked.

I heard a loud rumble and Angelica piped up. "See dad I told you I was hungry." "Okay, okay. Maxwell, Brair did you have and dinner plans." "No Gavin we didn't, but me can make some" Maxwell replied.

I nodded and got up. "Well looks like I better get ready." Angelica piped up. "WAIT even better idea. Brair I can give you a makeover." I smiled and nodded. She squealed.

Well what's the worst that could happen.


Published~ 5~24~18
Word count~ 863

I'd had this chapter done for a while, but didn't think it was any good. I'd haven't updated any of my stories lately, so I just posted this chapter to see if people would like me incorporating another character. I think Angelica will help move the story along.

I would aslo appreciate it if you guys gave me feedback in yhe story so far. One comment regarding ideas or mistakes could really help me.


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