Chapter 2

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Authors Note :3 Here's the second part, I'll be posting the rest of the parts soon. But please leave a review or comment, they are much, MUCH appreciated and make me very happy inside :3

Aqua woke up from her sleep. As per usual Kazuma is still sleeping like a rock and she has to wake him up. Aqua looks over to Kazuma, she remembers what happened the last night started to lightly blush. 'Stupid idiot'.

Aqua lightly taps Kazuma on the arm, causing him to roll over and face Aqua, while still sleeping. Aqua pauses for a moment looking at Kazuma and giggles a little  'Yep what a stupid idiot'

As Aqua is still mentally pondering about, Kazuma wakes up and sees Aqua staring at him blankly
"Huh? Aqua, whats wrong?"

Aqua punches Kazuma in the face knocking him down

Kazuma hits the ground hard enough to knock him awake, "Oi! What's your problem!"

Aqua crosses her arms and looks directly at him, "You had a stupid looking face"

Kazuma just stares at Aqua "Really now?"

Aqua, arms still crossed and eyes meeting his "What!? It was very stupid looking"

Kazuma would question her more, but decides he shouldn't, when Aqua finally concludes the staredown he looks over to Aqua "Are you okay now, you useless goddess?".

Aqua crossed her arms "I told you already! Your face just looked stupid!"

Kazuma leans on the wall and sighs 'sure, sure , oh well, we better get going'

As they walk down the town a certain loli crashes into Kazuma, causing him to trip over and fall face first into the rock path. Quickly standing up, he hits Megumin in the head,  "Oi! What was that for!!".

Kazuma brushing off the dust in his clothes "Look where you are going you loli!"

Megumin gets up and shakes it off, "It's not my fault you didn't see me!"

Kazuma looks away, starts walking towards the distance and shouts "It's not my fault your so shorrrrttt!!"

Megumin steams up and starts chasing Kazuma

"Come backkk hereee you loliiicoonnnnn!!"

The two eventually run half the way to the guild, Aqua and Darkness catch up after the two stop to take a breath

"*pant* Ka-zeee-maaa~ *pant*" Megumin says while still slightly out of breath . Megumin pulls Kazuma's arm "You promised me to bring me to Wiz's shop to buy *pant* a new staff".

Kazuma scratches his head, 'oh yeah, I did promise her that. crap.'

"Yeah yeah I remember, lets go then. Aqua we'll meet you in the guild with Darkness"
Aqua quickly leaves "Hai!"

As Megumin and Kazuma arrive at Wiz's shop, Megumin buys a new staff. On the walk back they arrive at the guild, currently staring at a drunk Aqua drinking glass after glass while Darkness is sitting across the table, unlike the latter, she is not drunk.

Kazuma and Megumin both raise their hands in unison "Oi! Aqua! Darkness!"

Darkness calls out and raises her hand "Kazuma! Megumin!"

As Kazuma and Megumin sit down, Aqua raises her empty glass, blatantly drunk and on the verge of collapsing. "One more glass pwease!"

Saying this, Aqua gets a tap on her shoulder from Kazuma "Oi, you useless goddess, This better not be using my money!"

I Fell In Love With a Useless Godess (Konosuba)Where stories live. Discover now