chapter 5

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Faith pov 


My smile soon dropped when i look  through the door and saw.....

"Nathan?" i tested the name on my lips because i haven't used it in years. The name that belonged to the person that helped change my life. The name of the person that was there for me. I blinked hard before i finally came to the conclusion that they were not playing a trick on me, what i was seeing was really real.

The sight before me made my eyes water and my heart drop, i quickly got out of me car and ran into my house. I ran straight into a familiar pair of arms, that were attached to the only one that knows who i truly am. My Nathan, he found me like he said he would, fat hot tears ran down my face as i realized how much i missed him.

"Hey love, shhhh don't cry I got you." he said with a velvety voice that always reminded me of Dallas from the book and movie the outsiders

"I missed you so much, i have so much to tell you!" i said while i let him wipe away my tears 

"I missed you too love, where's your mom and dad I had to climb in your window just to get in the house!?" he said like it was an downright outrage

"Your getting panties in a twist because you had to climb into a two story window? Have you forgotten the time you made me run two miles everyday twice a day when i was little, just so i could cover for you when you went of with God knows who, to do God knows what!?" i playfully scolded him

He shrugged innocently "Have i told you how much i loved you for that love?" he finished with a coy smile

"Wipe that smile off your face I'm still mad you made me lie to your mom" i scolded him some more as i walked out of his embrace and into the kitchen to get a drink 

"Its fine she still hasn't put the pieces together" he smiled while i drank my water 

"You really have no idea how much I've missed you" i said as the tears started to trickle down my face

"Come here love, I'm here now" I put my cup down and walked back into the familiarity of his arms. A familiarity i didn't know i had forgotten until i got it back


"What do you want to watch" Nathan asked

By this time we were already sitting on my couch joking and catching up on his life. I haven't told him about my life here or that i found my mate because i didn't know how he would respond, but i knew i had to suck it up because he deserved to know. He's the only one that was there for me when everything happened, the only one that i didn't shut out. 

"Pr..." i was about to respond when there was a frantic knock on my front door, a knock that made Nathan hiss loudly 

"Oh will you calm down its probably just my neighbor asking for something like always"  i said once i got in arms length of the door. Boy was i wrong. 

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