Part 1 Dark Ebony

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I was fleeing yet another crime scene. The entire time thinking about how much easier it was when I did joint operations with other people. My favorite joint operation I've ever had was when me and a boy named Jack robbed an electronics store on christmas. Since the place I was raised in never celebrated the holiday, the times that I got to rob places, ended up being my version of a christmas gift. It was rather easy since it was christmas. What I mean by this is that since no one was working at the store during christmas, it was a good deal easier to get in, take what we came to get, and run off. It was fun too. Suddenly, I snapped back into reality and had immediately gotten mad at myself. I had missed the turn that I was supposed to take, and instead kept running towards a more isolated black alley. Now that I think about it, this would be a rather cliche place to be in a situation like this. No. I can't lose focus again. I need to find a way out of here. Okay since I missed the turn I was supposed to take, there should be another about thirty seconds away. Also, when I get there, I could sneak a look at the news, since it is usually on at this hour. Just think last time I had to do something like this, the two people I was working with threw me under the bus. That's why I don't do anything in a group anymore. Oh well, I can see the turn up ahead so here goes nothing. I quickly turned into the alley and ran out into the busy street. I ran for a good two more minutes in order to make sure I wasn't be followed anymore before stopping to rest. I looked down at the newspaper I stole on my way out, and I start to read through it. Immediately, I see an article about the KIRA case. I mean I'm not complaining, just about everything regarding the battle of the wits between L and KIRA is at least partly interesting, but it would be nice to see something else on the front page for once. Nonetheless I read the article anyway. It starts off with how KIRA is killing more and more criminals. Which is understandable, but then goes on to state that KIRA is justice. Despite my best efforts not to laugh, I still do.

"You know, when people like them have as much as they do, it's easy for them to say that we are the evil ones," I say to myself. "But what they don't know, Is that this is far from the truth. Our base of operations, which is usually filthy and obviously unsanitary, is our only home, our coworkers, if we are lucky enough to have them, are our only family, and the stuff we steal is our only source of revenue, since none of us can get "real" jobs."

Well, people will be people I guess. I should probably get going now. I still have another store to rob before I head back. As I'm walking towards my next destination, a jewelry store of all places, I overhear a conversation being broadcast on the news. As I stop to listen, it says that the SPK(Special Provisions for KIRA) is not only working against KIRA, but has also been rumored to have picked up a second case. Now this has my full attention. I huddle over to where everyone is gathering, in order to blend in more with the crowd, when it continues. It goes on to state that the case they have decided to pick up is about me. I'm rather confused at first, but then who wouldn't be. I decide not to think about it anymore, instead I pick up my things, and continue walking to the jewelry store.

When I arrive, it is much later than I expected. I begin to yell at myself for waiting so long, when something catches my eye. I notice that the number of security guards has increased quite a bit, since my last observations of the place. This doesn't bother me though. I proceed to rob the store anyway, and after I counted all the rings, and bracelets I took, I reached a personal record with about 10,000 dollars worth of jewelry.

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