Chapter 5

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Near's P.O.V.

That was probably the first time I have ever shown emotion. Upon hearing the news, I just stared at him wide-eyed and completely dumbfounded. For once, It actually took a while to process things.

"That's not possible." I say to Gevanni, "I never had any siblings."

"I though that too, so I had it analyzed three more times. Each time the results were exactly the same."

There was a silence before I continued again "How closely are we related?"

"Brother and sister. Based on how old both of you look, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of being twins."

I thought about it for a while, wondering how I could have a sibling at all. Let alone a twin. The first thing that came to mind was that we were separated at birth, but no, that couldn't be the case. I didn't get to see her very well, but I was almost certain that I have seen her before. I just need to find out where.

"Well," I say aloud to the remaining SPK members,"If this is true, and this girl really is my sister, then it would only be right to meet with her one final time."

I start a live broadcast that she is bound to see. Similar to what L did at the start of this case.

"Ebony," I say through the microphone, "There is no doubt that you have heard the rumors about how we have decided to take on your case as well as KIRA's. I confirm these rumors, and I have to say I'm impressed. I can see why your the second best crime Lord in the states."

I emphasize the word "second" just to annoy her. Sure I show no outward emotion, but I still like to mess with people.

"However, despite your best attempts, we have managed to find your exact location. So, we want you to meet us, face to face." There is a slight pause before I continue, "we will send you all the details directly to you."

After that I end the broadcast.

"Do you really think she will comply?"

I turn around to see who just spoke to find out that it was Halle Linder.

"Assuming she has any trace of my personality, then there's no doubt she is very prideful. If she wishes to keep her pride, then she has no choice. She has to meet me."

"What do you mean you? Aren't all of us going?"

This time it was Commander Rester that spoke up.

"No, only Gevanni and myself will be going." I don't even wait for a reply before I continue, "Even though it isn't the safest option, I don't feel like she will do anything to big. Besides, she still thinks that all of us are going. That should be enough to scare her away from anything. Even if it doesn't I have been watching her and she wouldn't kill us either way."

"Why? How are you so sure?" Linder asked.

I was going to respond myself, but was interrupted by a static screeching sound followed by the voice of a female. Before I realize what exactly is going on the voice begins to speak.

"Well I never thought you'd ask Linder!" It said.

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