Chapter 3

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After I completed the order, I had to wait a month before I could go and retrieve the money. Technically, you were supposed to wait longer, probably closer to three to four months, but I was ambitious. When I went back to meet up with my client he quickly just hands over the money. He has definitely done this before. After quickly counting the money, I realize that he had only given me 5,000 dollars. That's only half of what he promised me!

"Where's the other half?" I asked,

"You came to early. I'll give you the other half in three months like how it's supposed to go." The man replied, he didn't even look down at me as he spoke.

"Oh really, well that's not how I do things. Here I get the full amount, no matter when I show up. So unless you want a fight, you had better give it to me." I reply with a hint of a deadly tone in my voice.

"Well I know better than to cross the second most dangerous criminal in the U.S., here." The man firmly replies and gives me the other half, as well as an extra 15,000 dollars.

"For being so efficient." He says as I leave without another word.

As I walk out of the restaurant yet again, I manage to see the same boy from last month. Once again, he isn't quite looking at me, this time slightly above my eyes, but he still sends me a cold stare that manages to send shivers down my spine. I now have no choice but to believe that they are on to me, so I adjust my face guard, so it is now covering everything below my eyes, and throw my hood over my head. Then, instead of heading back to my usual base of operations, I instead head back to an old home of mine. The place was an old worn down apartment building that, after some fixing, was made into a semi-functional criminal base. I'm actually rather surprised that everything is still exactly where I left it, because a few that I know of, will often just barge in while I'm not here and take things. I guess I spoke to soon because when I opened the door to where I kept all my food, I noticed that over half of it was gone. The food that is left in here however will be able to last me a good few weeks anyway, I don't need to worry. My mind is instead focused on another topic. That boy. The one who approached me at the restaurant, who was he? Why do I feel as if I've seen him from somewhere before. He clearly wasn't an adult yet, and he looked about my age. So, is it possible that we've seen each other before? I continue to obsess over this into the night and as a result, I don't get that much sleep that night.

Three weeks later

I start to run out of supplies. I grab some of the money given to me by my client, and walk over to the store. About halfway to the grocery store, I start to feel as if someone is watching me. I look around a few separate times and each time I see the same man. After close observation, I realize that he is the same man that that accompanied the boy the last two times I've seen him. After close consideration, I decide that I need to know for certain who this boy is, and I know just the way to do it.

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