Chapter 2

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It has only been two weeks after the robbery, yet I'm already back to work. You know now that I think about it, I really should be laying low for a little longer than two weeks when your this well known. Oh well my client wanted to meet today, so I have to meet up with him today. 

"What a pain." I think to myself as I walked to our agreed meeting place. It was a restaurant of all places, but I guess it could work. I walk in through the door, and immediately make eye contact with the man I'm supposed to meet. I slowly make my way over, and when he gets within earshot I begin the conversation.

"Okay, I got better things to do right now, so you better make things quick. What is it that you need?" I ask

"I need you to kill someone for me." He quickly and quietly responds. I can tell he's done this before.

"So an assignation, okay first I'll need the name of the individual, as well as their face." I said quickly, trying to move things along quicker than even I knew they can go.

"You know, that last statement you made, makes you sound a lot like KIRA." someone said from behind me.

Out of pure shock I whirled around to see a boy with white hair standing behind me. He isn't quite making eye contact with me, but's it's close. Under closer inspection, I realize that he isn't that tall, clearly not an adult yet. He looks to be about my age and seems as if you could manage to push him over with just a tap on his shoulder.

"Well think what you like, but no matter how hard you look into it, you will find that I'm not KIRA. " I deny the small boys accusation, and contrary to popular belief, I'm not lying. My comment however, only gets him to raise an eyebrow. Even through his attempt of an emotionless expression, I can tell he is skeptical. Me being me, I met his blank stare with my hostile gaze, or at least I tried to, since he still wasn't looking directly at me, and instead to my side. I wasn't going to move though. All he does is laugh slightly and then slowly walks away. I turn back to my client only for him to ask if I really am KIRA. This however, pushes me over the edge.

"Of course I'm not KIRA," I snap at him, " I may be a criminal, but at least I'm an honorable one. I wouldn't just lie like that."

But just as quickly as I had fired up, I cooled down. I apologized, and took the name and face he gave me, before leaving. Once I had left the restaurant, I went over the name and photograph of the man I was supposed to kill. The name tag read Andrew Black while the photo showed a rather skinny looking man with brown eyes.

"Andrew Black huh, I've never heard of them before." I say to myself. Thinking nothing much of it I leave to complete the order. It says that he will be at a hotel a few blocks away in thirty minutes. If I hurry, I might be able to get something to snack on before he gets there. I soon realize how stupid I sound, as I have literally just come from a restaurant. Eh, I don't really enjoy "real" food anyway. I normally just eat junk food and energy drinks. My mind suddenly refocuses back to the task at hand, and I leave to complete the order.

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