Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I take a deep breath and walk into the building. A nice, young looking lady sits at the desk.

I look around an memorize my surroundings out of habit. A plant in the corner. 3 Ikea chairs sitting of to the side, matching the ikea coffee table. Beige walls. White ceiling about 30 feet high.

"May I help you?" The lady asks.

I'd been so lost in memorizing that I'd forgotten why I'm here.

"Yes. I'm Skylar Smith. I'm new here and I'm here to get my room and schedule." I tell her, just like I always tell these people. Do you know how many times I've been to private schools for missions?

"Oh yes. I was told you'd be here. I'm Molly." She says extending her hand.

I stand there and pretend to be shy. Just like the files with everything I needed to know about Skylar Smith.

She pulls her hand back.

"Right. Now let me get you your room key." She says, digging through a few drawers." I know it's in here somewhere." She mutters to herself.

I go back to memorizing the building. A vent at the top of a wall. Same for the floor. Great places for hiding...

"Here you go." Amy says putting the keys down on the desk. "Now I'll just go print a copy of your schedule. You may take a seat." She gestures to the ikea chairs.

I grab my trunk and walk over. My phone vibrates in my back pocket. I look to find its my uncle.


"Tay! How are you? Have you arrived at the school yes?"

" I'm great Uncle. I'm waiting for my schedule right now."

"Good. Just wanted to make sure you got there safely."

When have I not?

"Alright I'll let you go. Bye." He hangs up.

"Here's your schedule. By the way, I think your really going to like your roommate."

I feel my face fall. Roommate? I've never had a roommate before. I'm one of a few that gets a suit, therefor I've never had a roommate. And I don't want one.

"Thanks." I tell her and walk into the elevator in the corner, dragging my trunk behind me.

Roommate? Roommate? No one said anything about a roommate. I like being alone in a suit it's nice like that.

The elevator stops at the top floor. I grab my trunk and pull it over to the end of the hallway, where my room is. Fumbling with the keys, I finally get them in the key hold. I take a deep breath and turn the key.


CLIFFHANGER!!!!! I love these in books.

So as I promised I have an early update for y'all. 😃 I've written a lot the past few days to get this up.

I promise as always I will have my Thursday/Friday update. Along with this update! 😊

If you'd like to reach me or create book covers for me e-mail me at

Thanks for sticking with me after failing to update! Love y'all! ❤❤



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