Chapter 8

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Important info on updates at end of the chapter, so pay attention to that.

Chapter 8

"You feeling better today?"

"Much. You going to class today?"

"I'll try, but I might ditch."


"Over half of my classes were with Amy."

My phone vibrates. I check it to find it to be a text from Chris.

Chris: Meet me at Starbucks?

Me: Be there in a few.

I grab my keys of off my desk.

"I'm going to Starbucks. You coming?"

"No. Can you get me a VBF though?"

"For sure." And with that, I leave.



"Hi." I say as the call out the VBF.

I walk over and grab the drink, also grabbing mine they called out earlier.

"Why'd you get two?" Chris asks asks as I sit down.

"Lily asked me to get her one."

"Why didn't she just come?"

"I asked her to come but she said no. She didn't give me a reason."


My phone vibrates.

Lily: Amy's parents are coming into town. They're really cool. We are planning on meeting them at Uno Memento for lunch. Want to come?

Me: Yah. Sounds good.

"Who was that?"


My phone vibrates again. I expect it to be Lily, but am surprised to find it to be my Uncle.

Uncle: I heard about the girl. Get anything out of it?

Me: Got fingerprints from the knife used.

Uncle: About the mission...

Me: What?

Uncle: We've decided this mission is to risky and dangerous for you, and your still getting over last mission. We are bringing you back and sending out Genie.

I felt myself deflate. They were bring me back?

"What's that from?" Chris asks, finding the scar from the bullet Tracy shot at me.

"I was abused when I was a child." Not completely a lie.

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine."

I unlock my phone and text back my Uncle.

Me: Why? I am fully capable of doing this. And I'm over my last mission, you know that. Please let me stay I can do this.

Uncle: I'm sorry. Our minds are made up. Your jet will be there to pick you up tomorrow.

Tomorrow? Are you serious? That is not freakin fair.

Uncle: Tell everyone the foster program found a house that actually wants a kid like you.

"Still Lily? Chris asks.

"No. The foster program. They think they've found a family that wants me. I leave tomorrow."

"Oh." Chris says, his eyes getting glassy. "We should probably go."

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