Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I sit down in front of Chris.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Great. Except for the fact my bed was made out of metal."

"That'll get better."


"When they move you."

We sit in silence for a few minutes. That's when the door creaks open.

I whip around to find no one there. I double check for my knife in my boot before slowly standing. I shuffle softly along the floor. As I make my way to the door, the eyes I see behind it are eyes I never wanted to see again.

My mom's.


"Miss me deary?" She questions.

"Not at all," I tell her, glancing back at Chris.

"Oh, well, too bad. Because I'm back now."

"How did you get in?"

"I just kinda, snuck in."

"Tracy how did you get in?"

"No one calls their mother by their first names, now do they sweetheart."

"I'm not gonna ask again."

"I, worked my magic. You know, like how I taught you to?"

I think back to when I was 7, right before she left. How she was telling me breaking security things such as camera and boxes that control laser beams was okay. That killing was something that helped the world.

"Who's behind you, deary?" She asks.

"No one."

"Well then why would you have been in there?"

"I was cleaning up since someone just left."

"You liar." She says, throwing me aside, pushing the door open.

"Who are you?" She questions Chris.

"Who are you?"

"I asked first."

"And I asked second."

"I advise you answer me."

"Leave him alone." I tell her.

"And I listen to you because?"

"Because I'm your daughter. And I have more authority then you ever had."

"Oh trust me. I have plenty of authority."

"Like what? The authority to abuse a toddler? The authority to murder?"

"And I have both. But we might as well add one."

"And that is?"

"The authority to hurt my daughters boyfriend." She says, pulling out the gun.

Chris throws the first punch, connecting with her jaw. And then I lose track of who does what.

What happens seems like hours, although it's seconds. A hand there, I leg there, the struggle to get a grip of the gun.

What ends it, is the gunshot.


Guys! I'm so proud of me.

I just updated.



But I did it.

And now I'm really happy.

So how'd y'all like the chapter. Short, I know. But still. Were you expecting Tay's mom? What about the way it ended. Who do you think got shot?

Next Update: Moments. I've already finished and am ready to post the rest.

Love y'all. Thanks for staying with me till the end.



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