Demencia's hair

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Blackhat stared at Demencia. And not her face but at her hair. He glared at the long green ponytail and hot pink bangs. He couldn't wrap his head around it when he found Demencia as a human her hair was to her shoulders.

And now, it was dragging to the ground. "Demencia," Blackhat said his voice as raspy and rough as it always was. Demencia turned to him and flashed him one of her crazy smiles her fangs showing. "Yes, Blackhat.~" Demencia said in a song like a tone. Blackhat beckoned her with a finger turning to walk out of the lab. Demencia stood up and skipped behind him reaching his office. Closing the door after her she turned to see Blackhat with a pair of scissors in his hand. Demencia tilted her head to the side trying to figure out what he was going to do. Blackhat turned to her. Seeing the look on her face only made him smile. She had figured out what he was doing. She froze in place as he walked toward her "Hold still and I may not hurt you." Blackhat said walking closer his grin only getting wider he could see her shaking.

A few hours later. Blackhat had finally managed to tame Demencia's hair long green locks of hair covering the red carpet floor. Blackhat backed away to admire his hand work. Demencia hair now reaching her shoulders the hot pink bangs now in a curl. Blackhat smerked his hand resting under his chin. Not even ten minutes had past when he looked at her and all of her hair was back to the length it was before. Blackhat was shocked to see her hair back and Demencia was just as shocked as he was. "How the duck did?" Blackhat said out loud Demencia just shrugged. Standing up and walking out the room to bother Flug. Blackhat just stood there 'I'm never going to understand that girl ' He thought to lean agents his desk his head in his hands.

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