little G.

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Demencia and Blackhat were sleeping soundly for the first time in mouths. They had only been married for a year when their second child was born.

Noir the oldest was 3 now. She...enjoyed her brother when he wasn't crying. But Blackhat and Demencia had there work cut out for them. He had been crying for hours it was now two in the morning.

The rest of the night went on with no crying until around twelve pm. Demencia walked into the lab with their son G. He had Demencia's skin tone and Blackhats eyes his hair was black with green highlights. And he was glued to Demencia. He was definitely a mommy's boy. Noir was more attached to her father so it was even. And they were all very happy. And tired but happy.

               Hey guys so sorry for the late update but I got my hair dyed on the tenth and I'm getting ready for freshmen year so I'm everywhere. But I will try to update more often. And if you have suggestions I'm open for them. Also sorry for the short chapter.

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