Meeting his parents (part 1)

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Blackhat and Demencia will have been together for almost a year now.

At the moment Demencia was asleep and laying on his bare chest. His skin was warm from there nightly event. He looked down at his lover. Her face was sweaty but was still beautiful. He stroked her nean hair. Looking over at the letter he had received earlier this morning. It was from his mother. Both she and his father were coming over to visit him. He was happy to see his parents it had been years since he'd seen them. But. How would they react to his relationship with Demencia. What would they think of Noir. He decided that he would deal with it in the morning.

Blackhat woke up with the normal sound of Noir laughing in her mothers arms. Her pink and black hair was frizzy but still nice. He smiled at the sight of his mate and child together. Its the only things that could melt his heart. Noir looked over at her father. Her golden eyes shined. She giggled as she reached for Blackhat. Demencia placed her down on the bed. Noir crawled over to him.
He sat up and picked up their year old baby. Looking into her golden eyes her dark skin almost glew with the sunrise. Demencia did as well. Her hair was every which away.  She looked tired but she still had her beauty.

Moveing to be closer to her. He reached his hand over to rub her cheek. Looking at him she smiled. Noir giggled in her fathers arms as Blackhat kissed Demencia's forehead. "Your stressed." Demencia said grabbing Blackhats hand and looking In his eyes. Taking a deep breath he looked at her his eyes scaning over her. Her curves still were noticeable under his red silk shirt. "My parents are coming over and I don't know of they will accept noir...or you." Blackhat said voice getting lowering with every word. She looked at him and smiled. Moving closer and kissed him on the lips. Pulling away she looked at him her eyes full of love and care. "Blacky it'll be fine. I'm sure they'll be happy that you are and I'm sure they will love Noir." She said taking her daughter from him and turned her to look at him. Noir was a gourges baby. Her looks came from her mother. Blackhat smiled stroking his daughters cheek and kissed Demencia. "All right lets get dressed and wait for them in the lab."

Hey guuuuuys so uhh I felt acward after that lemon but don't worry more to come I promise! I hope you like this part of this story also Blackhats parents don't belong to me they belong to @hatfamily on Tumblr. So give this person credit. Thanks bye!!!

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