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She was tired and lightheaded. Her head hurt from all the yelling and  tears. She sat there in the living area. T.V on. She didn't even know what was on. Not that she really cared. She was just trying to get her mind off the argument she was in hours ago.

Everyone in a relationship fought. She knew that. And being married to an elderich being who was also the most powerful villain in coexistence wasn't the easiest thing in the world. But when they fought they fought. He never played his hands on her of course. He maybe a villain but even he has limets and morals. And hitting a women was one of them. What were they even fighting over? Oh, right. The secrteity of there relationship. He didn't want the public to know of his marriage to Demencia. Because of his image. He thinks if people, hero's and villains included. Knew they would think he had grown soft. In a way he did. But he was still the cold hearted shoot first ask question later villain he always was.

It didn't help that that had a child and one on the way. They both knew they couldn't keep this act up forever. But he was far to stubborn to listen to her reasoning. Now she was sitting there. One the couch various amounts of foods around her watching some sappy romance movie that was on. Luckly Noir. There daughter had fallen asleep shortly after so she wouldn't have to see her mother cry her eyes out and eat the pain away because that's all she could do. She couldn't go out and fight hero's because she was to fragile preganet and she didn't want to loses her baby.

She signed. She just wanted to sleep and forget the stupid fight. She jumped when she heared someone clear there throught. She sat up and turned to where the sound came from. Blackhat stood there. A strange guilty look on his face. "Dem, I-" He sighed." I'm sorry." He said under his breath. She stared at him wideyed. She was shocked. He never apologised to her. He sat on the sofa next to her. "You were-are right, we shouldn't keep this a secret. I'm just being selfish for making you do so." He said leaning back intp the sofa. "I can't be like that with you, Noir, or this one." He said putting a hand on her small baby bump. She looked at him with all the love and care she had. She loved him and he loved her. They loved Noir and their unborn child. "You mean it? So we can hold hands in public I can wear my ring more often, and take Noir outside now?" She asked. Her eyes never leaving him. Placeing her hand on his. He looked at their hands. Laceing his fingers with hers looking at her in the eyes." Yes." He said nodding his head. Placeing his free hand on her cheek.

She smiled leaning intp his touch.

"I love you Bonbon." She said smiling her face turning pink.

He laughed at the nickname.
"I love you to. Dem."
He said before kissing her passionately.

He knew this would be only one of many fights they could have. But he knew they'll work through it. And so did she.

Hey guys sorry for the long wait. I had exams but I'm done with those and summer has started so I should update more often. Thank you for all the love you've been giving me please give me some feed back and suggestions for future chapters. Also I'm writing an official Lizardhat fanfic called The One night Stand. If you would like give it a look at and give me feedback on that story too. Love you all~Roma

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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