Chapter 6: Matching Outfits

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If Will wasn't dressed in something equally obnoxious, he would criticize every aspect of Ocean's outfit—the silver lapels reflecting light like mirrors, golden buttons that look taken from the Victorian era, and tight black pants which match with the royal blue sequins of his jacket.

"Our short program is coming up," says Ocean. This marks the first thing he's said to Will since yesterday's incident. As they moved their belongings and settled into their place in the Olympic Village at Squamish, they exchanged nothing but a few glares and the body language equivalents of leave me alone, forever if possible.

Will nods, not quite willing to address how he acted at the Parade of Nations. He centers himself instead on their performance, which comes right after Alana and Kirsten's from Germany. They are twirling to a classical rendition of an 90s pop song, and judging by the cheering that accompanies every element, they are not only approved but loved. Blood-red dresses fly across the ice, imitating red sparrows.

The same-sex skating event was approved by the ISU and IOC to make figure skating more inclusive, coming with its own set of specialized rules. Difficulty will be rewarded accordingly, but focus will center on the artistry between the pair—much like in ice dance. Scores will be adjusted appropriately, depending on whether both skaters or male or female. It was a tough ride for Ocean and Will to grasp this opportunity, when Adelina and Li Ya back home almost crushed them duo-handedly.

If it wasn't for their fall in the World's, we would be twirling in the dust back home

Will thinks that it might be the pressure that's caused Ocean and him to become so severed, because admitting his own fault isn't an option. Dwelling on faults is a great way to fall, whether on the ice or off.

And today is not the day to fall. Not when today marks the beginning of the team event. When it matters the most. 

As they wait, Will dwells instead on the specialized rule that comes with the event—vastly different then the traditional ones. Their short program will be 2.5 minutes, including up to three lifts and throws, one spiral, two individual elements and an extra creative element—focused on artistry.

Just last night, Will and Ocean silently moved the furniture, making a clear space for practice. It was midnight in their room in the Olympic Village hotel, and Will was the only one speaking as they ran through their elements. "You can sulk today," Will had said. "We both can cry as much as we want. But the mask comes on—or off—tomorrow. If anything, do it for your family rather than me." Ocean looked close to rolling his eyes and leaving to barricade himself in the bathroom, but Will wouldn't let up. "And if I fall on the ice. Yank me back up and threaten me to finish."

Will and Ocean skate onto the rink after Alana and Kirsten finish their routine, which garners deafeningly loud screams from all angles of the crowd. Vancouver Ice Arena is a mammoth of a structure, after all, and the bleachers are filled with anyone and everyone, from all nations around the world. How many of them have read the headlines that they are experiencing the most dramatic fallout of a figure skating pair in Olympic history?

"William Xu and Ocean Hayes from Team USA."

A cheer just as intense erupts, rising with the speed and heat reminiscent of a magma plume.

"Clean, remember?" says Will, as they get into position. Their matching outfits must appear spectacular under the bright lights, shifting from turquoise to navy blue.

Ocean, despite yesterday, offers a slight grin. It immediately quells the gut-sinking feeling that always threatens to overtake them in major competitions.

"Then shoot me hard."

The first chord of their song, on the major scale and surprisingly vibrant, echoes throughout Vancouver Ice Arena. And like they trained champions they are, Will and Ocean lose themselves to the rhythm.

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