Chapter 3: Surprise

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     When they were back in the city, the first very noticeable thing was Blackout in the middle of the street, electricity surging from his veins and fingertips. The two cars everyone were in stopped in front of him and they all looked at the villain.

     "We were wondering where you guys ran off to!" Blackout shouted with a smirk. "Didn't peg you guys for the running cowards! Just goes to show you, you can't judge a book by its cover." He shocked the car engine and everyone was forced to jump out before the engine caught fire and blew up, the car burning and crumbling into a pile of burning metal and rubber. Eva rolled onto her side, but the force of the explosion threw her back and she hit her head against the sidewalk, falling unconscious. Before Kyle could get back up, Blackout zapped him still and shut off his arms temporarily. "You won't be needing those," He told Kyle and he stepped on his back. Amp sent Blackout flying with a concussive blast to his back and stood over Kyle.

     "You alright?" He asked, and Kyle gave a nod. As Blackout stood up, Amp sent a continuous concussive wave into him, keeping the villain down on the street. Fang was already up and he began to make his way to the two that were already locked in combat, but he was stopped harshly by a blur of motion, Adrenaline Rush standing right where Fang was before.

     "I don't think so, Parasite boy," Rush said as he crossed his arms. "You and me, we're gonna have a party of our own." And he ran right into Fang again, pulling him aside by his shirt. Blake got up and went to help the others, but he was taken away by Alpha, who flew down and grabbed Blake by the shoulders.

     "No way," Amp said and he took his eyes off Blackout, leaving himself open as Blackout grabbed his wrists and sent a shockwave through his body. Amp screamed and dropped down to the ground, landing on his back. He looked up at a pissed off Blackout, who was charging up a shock that would give enough voltage to stop his heart. He was suddenly pushed back by a giant burst of water that drowned his electricity out, and Amp looked at the source. He saw a male holding what looked like a Rubik's cube standing over him.

     "Get up," He commanded Amp, and his did just that. As he got up, he noticed Blackout already recovering from the attack. "The minute he attacks," The mystery savior called out to Amp, "I want you to rush around him. I'll keep his attention on me, but it's crucial you get around and behind him. Got that?" The savior looked at Amp for a brief moment to see him nod, and he sent a burst of water towards Blackout once more.

     While they fought, Fang was struggling to get free of Adrenaline Rush's grip, but he felt the sudden stop as he was thrown across, hitting the ground a ways away from Rush's position. He tumbled and rolled, then coughed as he tried to get air back in his lungs.

     "I heard you took out Project X and Acid at the same time," Adrenaline Rush commented. "Well, I wanna see for myself just how powerful you are. So get up, and hit me with all you got." He waved his arms up to signal Fang to get onto his feet. He slowly rose up, but Adrenaline Rush quickly got in front of him and slammed his fist right into his jaw, then ran around to kick his back. He fell to the floor and all he could hears was the sound of Rush laughing like a maniac. "You don't seem that impressive to me. I mean, I've already kicked the crap out of you, and you can't even get back up from it. X and the doc must be losing their touch or something."

     Fang growled under his breath and he clenched his fist, getting up to his feet. Rush smirked and ran right back at him, but Fang turned and sent his whole arm where he thought his head would be. Rush collided with Fang's forearm and he bent backwards as the momentum he created sent his body flying and skidding across the floor. Fang took the time to get the parasites around his body like armor, and he walked over to Rush. He jumped up from the ground, but Fang was ready with a punch into his stomach, the sudden hit and strength taking the air from Rush's lungs. He coughed and bent over, holding his stomach, and Fang stomped his head back into the ground.

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